
ÿþBonus System: Copywriting Action Plan: About Copywriting: Creating a Plan: System Description: This is a system for creating a profit-pull- ing sales letter. It follows the proven template (found online in Writing sales letters and the member s section) you can modify for your own product or squeeze pages is a creative business. process, so make sure to leave enough time to be able to throroughly think through the Required Skills: The employee needs to have a basic under- questions in this checklist. standing of copywriting or at least decent writing experience. The templates were designed for anyone who s a good writer to write a decent sales letter; however, it s preferable for the writer to have copywriting experience. System Checklist: Step 1: Initial Research, Video 1 1. Who is your target market? 2. How sophisticated is your audience - or how many ads? 3. What are your  trigger words in your copy? 4. What problem are you trying to solve or desire you re trying to fulfill? Step 2: Unique Sales Proposition Offer, Video 2 1. What makes your product unique from other people? Recommended Books: System Checklist: Copywriting Books: 2. Do you have an irresistible offer? Web Copy That Sells by Step 3: Fleshing Out Your Story, Video 3 Maria Veloso 1. What is your  attractive character? Ogilvy on Advertising by 2. What problem is your story going to agitate? David Ogilvy 3. What solution does your story provide? 4. Is the story less than 500 words long? Kick-Ass Secrets of a Marketing Rebel by John Step 4: Inserting the Proof, Video 4 Carlton 1. Do you have testimonials, case studies, screenshots, demonstrations? 2. Do you have any expert recommendations/celebrity endorsements? 3. Are you able to make the case before a judge (if you re a lawyer) that your product works? 4. Are you able to get PROOF before you write your letter? Step 5: Outline of a Sales Letter (an Overview of the Sales Letter Template), Video 5 1. Do you fully understand the outline before you start writing? 2. Do you have a swipe file of 5 ads from your niche? Step 6: Writing Your Headline, Video 6 1. Did you consider what your target audience is going through when they come across your ad& when you wrote your headline? Step 7: Finish Your Headline, Prehead and Subhead, Video 7 1. Did You Write 25 headlines before choosing the Quick Tips: System Checklist: Sleep On It: one you want to use? 2. Does your headline have specificity? Let your first draft sit for 3. Did you put your hook/uniqueness in your headline? three days, then revisit it 4. Did you use the swipe file to create a decent headline? again and fill in the blanks. 5. Does your headline have  trigger words for your market? Make a Swipe File: Step 8: Writing Your Introduction, Video 8 Make use of your swipe file 1. Did you get right to the point at the beginning of so you don t have to come up your sales letter? with every single idea to put 2. Did you have a salutation? in your letter. Step 9: Writing Your Story - Agitate the Problem and Pro- vide the Solution, Video 9 1. Did you use  trigger words the prospect will relate to? 2. Did you write in a conversational manner as if you re talking to a friend in person? 3. Did you just focus on the benefits and not introduce the product? Step 10: Writing Your Offer, Video 10 1. Did you describe your offer as much as possible without being  wordy? 2. Did you transition from your story to the offer correctly? Step 11: Writing Your Bullets, Video 11 1. Are your bullets  benefit based ? 2. Do you have at least 8-10 bullets for your product? Step 12: Writing Your Value Builder, Video 12 1. Did you compare the cost of your product/service to oth- Resources: System Checklist: Salesletter to Emulate: ers that give the same benefits? (without naming names) 2. Did you say how much your product costs? The One Legged Golfer by 3. Did you compare the price of your product to everyday John Carlton things (coffee, Starbucks, magazines, DVD rentals?) and how money is better spent on your product? 4. Did you create a table showing people the value pro.php?sku=772G they re getting in this offer? DotCom Secrets Apprentice Step 13: Inserting Your Bonuses and Testimonials, Video 13 Program by Kevin Hill 1. Do you have 2-3 bonuses added onto your product? http://membershipsite. 2. Are the bonuses related or complement your product? 3. Did you describe the benefits of your bonus in a php good paragraph? 4. Did you assign a value to each bonus? If you don t already have a swipe file, start one with Step 14: Creating an Order Page, Video 14 these sales letter and then add more as you research. 1. Do you have a checkbox with a  Yes (insert name)&  headline that captures people s attention? 2. Did you list everything the customer is getting? 3. Do you have an obvious order button? 4. Do you have payment options listed on your order form? 5. Have you tested your order process with a friend/ family member to make sure it s not confusing? 6. Is the price prominent on the page? Step 15: Closing the Sale, Video 15 1. Do you have at least 4-5 call to actions (embedded and by themselves)? 2. Is the last sentence in your letter a call-to-action? 3. Did you recap the benefits of your offer through an either/or statement? Quick Tips: System Checklist: Learn From the Pros: 4. Did you go to and obtain a digital signa- ture to sign your graphic? Handwrite the  One Legged Golfer letter to get the flow Step 16: Writing a P.S., Video 16 and rhythm of well-written copy. 1. Do you have at least 1 P.S. that recaps your offer to catch the attention of your scanners? Test, Test, Test: Step 17: Writing Subheads, Video 17 Always test 3 headlines so you can increase conver- 1. Do you have a subhead calling out the pain from sions. You can also test other your story? elements of the copy (intros, 2. Do you have a subhead calling out the solution from value builders, etc.) your story? 3. Do you have a subhead dividing each section from each outline? 4. Are your subheads easy to find when scanning down a page? 5. Can you get an idea of what the sales letter is selling when you read just the subheads? Step 18: Writing a Squeeze Page With the Squeeze Page Template, Video 18 1. Is the headline the same as your sales page? 2. Do you have at least 4-5 bullets? 3. Do you have an obvious opt-in form? 4. Do you have an  irresistible bribe ? 5. Are you testing a longer squeeze page?


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