to make reservation - to reserve right to, zastrzegać sobie

major - veiy large or very important when compared to other things of a similar naturo or other people of a similar kind

malpractice - the aet of failing to fulfill a professional duty by behaving incorrectly or illegally - nadużycie

manager - a person whose job is to manager part or all of a company

mandatc - if a government or official lias a mandate to make important decisions, they have

the authority to make the decisions because they have been elected by the people to do so

mandatory - sth which the law says must be done (synonyms - obligatory, compulsory) -

obowiązkowy, obligatoryjny

mareva injunction - freezing order

margin - the difference between the price a business buys sth for and what they sell it for -marża zysku

maritime law - prawo morskie, area of law tliat delas with cases connected with sea materia! - important, significant

maternity leave - time tliat a mother is allowed to spend away from work when she has a baby. - urlop macierzyński

matter - a subject or situation tliat you have to think about or deal with - sprawa

mediate - to attempt to make the two sides in an argument reach an agreement (altemative

dispute resolution)

to mcct rcgulations - to follow regulations

mend - to repair something tliat is broken or not working

mcntal anguish - morał damages

merchandise - goods tliat are madę in order to be sold - towar

merge - to join things together to form one tliing - fuzja

minors - people who the court consider to young to enter into a contract

minutes - an official written record of what is said and decided at a meeting.

misinterpret = misconstruct, misunderstand; misinterpret - to not understand the correct

meaning of sometliing tliat someone says or does, or of facts tliat you are considering

misnomer - a wrong or unsuitable name - błędna lub niewłaściwa nazwa

misrepresent - to deliberately give a wrong description of someone's opinions or of a


money laundering - transferring illegal money into legał bank accoiuit.

mortgage - a legał arrangement by which you borrow money from a bank or similar

organization in order to buy a house, and pay back the money over a period of years. - kredyt


motion a proposal wliich is discussed in a meeting and a vote taken on it - wniosek mutual - reciprocal


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