Loading Data into a Table

You can usc SQL Developer to load data into a table. You can load data from an .xls file or a .csv file into the table.

In this example. you load data into the PURCHASE_ORDERS table that you created in "Example: Creating a Table" on page 8-11. For simplicity, this example loads only thrce rows.

To prepare for this example, you must create a text file named load. csv on the file system of the database host Computer or on the file system of your local Computer. The contents of the file should be as follows:

l,Office Eąuipment,25-MAY-2012,1201,13-JUN-2012

2, Computer System,18-JUN-2012,1201,27-JUN-2012

3, Travel Expense,26-JUN-2012,1340,ll-JUL-2012 To load data into the PL'RCHASE_ORDERS table:

1.    Navigate to the PURCHASE_ORDERS table in the HR schema, following the instructions in "Vicwing Tables" on page 8-10.

2.    Right-click the PURCHASE_ORDERS table and select Import Data.

The Opcn dialog box appcars.

3.    Navigate to and select the load. csv file that includes the data you want to import into the table, and thcn click Open.

The Data Import Wizard appcars, with the Data Preview page displayed.

4.    Make surę that Header is deselected. Format is set to csv, Linę Terminator is set to environment def ault, and that Left Enclosure and Right Enclosure are set to

nonę. Then click Next.


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