To create a datahase using DBCA:
1. Start DBCA as described in "Starting DBCA" on page 2-11.
2. In the Database Operation window, select Create Database and click Next to start the guidcd workflow for creating a database. If you then select Advanced Modę and click Next, the workflow requests your input in the following Windows:
■Step 2 - Creation Modę ■Step 3 - Database Template ■Step 4 - Database Identification ■Step 5 - Management Options ■Step 6 - Database Credcntials ■Step 7 - NetWork Configuration ■Step 8 - Storage Locations ■Step 9 - Database Options ■Step 10 - Initialization Parametcrs ■Step 11 - Creation Options ■Step 12 - Prercquisitc Steps ■Step 13 - Summary ■Step 14 - Progress
The following sections provide details on each window. Most Windows provide default settings. Depending on the options you choose in DBCA, sonie of these Windows may not be displayed.