Typical—This method requires little configuration, and allocates memory as a percentage of total overall physical system memory. Select Typical and entera value in the Memory Size (SGA and PGA) field. The percentage of memory represented by the value entered is shown in the Percentage field. You can also use the slider to change the value. Click Show Memory Distribution to view the SGA size and PGA size allocated. Click Use Automatic Memory Management to have the system automatically tunes many of the memory components of the SGA, and allocate memory to individual PGAs as needed. The system can also dynamically decrease or inerease the total amount of memory allocated to the SGA or aggrcgate PGA, depending on proccssing dcmands. The total memory uscd for the databasc instancc never cxceeds the amount you spccify. This automatic memory tuning for the instance is known as automatic memory nianagenient. To learn morę about PGA and SGA. see "About Instancc Memory Structurcs" on page 5-4.