-equivalence - relationship of semantic (denotational and connotational) and cultural similarity between lexical items from two languages, as established by:

-componential analysis of their meaning or/and by -"procedurę of matching them on the basis of detailed analyses of numerous equivalent text written or spoken in both languages"

(Krzeszowski 1990:89)


-NOTICE: It will often happen that a detailed component analysis for a Polish word and its English equivalent will show some differences between them



mały |    +    +-

little|    +    +

-semantics/lexical field - semantically related words whose meanings cover a whole conceptual field (e.g family relations, colour terms)

-synonym set (senset) - synonymous words that are interchangeable in some syntax e.g. {board, committee} and {board, plank} are two different synonym sets.

Start=commence, stop =cease

Lexicology - the branch of linguistics that deals with words (also with phrases and collocations), with their meaning and with the linguistic and extralinguistic context that helps to establish this meaning, cf.

Wittgenstein's 'the meaning of a word is its use in the language'.

-sentence semantics - (in Krzeszowski's sense) deals with those semantic properties of a sentence that can systematically be derived from the meaning of its word order, intonation, function words and morphological markers;

-e.g the semantic property of being a question can be systematically derived from the word order of a sentence (inversion), presence of function words (as do in E) and intonation (rise, fali, etc); the property of referring to the past can be derived from the morphology of the verbs in a sentence (-ed ending), etc.


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