only tliree directives on agricultural reform were approved in 1972 (modemization of agricultural holdings, abandonment of farming and training of farmers).
■ 1975 - initiatives were taken to provide assistance to farmers working in difficult conditions;
■ 1979 - a 'co-responsibility' levy requiring farmers to pay a penalty for serious over-production was introduced in the dairy secton
■ by tlie 1980s tlie EU had to contend with almost permanent surpluses of the major farm commodities;
■ 1984 - tlie production quota system, already applied to sugar, was extended to milk, in order to limit the snrphis of production in the Commnnity;
■ 1988 - the budgetary guidelines set a maximum ceiling for the CAP budget:
'stabilisers' tliat set a maximum limit on quantities guaranteed to receive support payments,
a new approach to Community stnictural policy tliat favored a morę effective, global strategy for rural and less favored areas.
■ 1992 - the MacShany reform started tlie sliift from prodnct support (through prices) to producer support (through income support);
tlie reform aimed to improve tlie competitiveness of EU agriculture, stabilize the agricultural markets, diversify the production and protect the environment, as well as stabilize the EU budget expenditure;
direct payments were introduced in order to compensate for the decrease of tlie price support (cereal guaranteed prices were lowered by 35%, and beef prices by 15%);
compulsory set-aside and other accompanying measures (agri-environment programs, afforestation. early retirement, diversification) were also introduced.
■ Agenda 2000 - established economic, social, and environmental goals witliin a new reformulated set of objectives for tlie CAP consistent witli tlie requirements of the Amsterdam Treaty;
❖ morę market orientation and increased competitiveness,
❖ food safety and quality,
•> stabilization of agricultural incomes,
❖ integration of environmental concems into agricultural policy,
❖ developing the vitality of rural areas,
❖ simplification and strengthened decentralization.
■ a new rural development policy was introduced as a second pillar of tlie CAP;