Old English Dialects
1. North of the Humber River was Northumbrian. This was the dialect tliat became the standard of a great religious and literary culture in the 8* and 9* centuries.
2. In the middle of the country, between the Humber river to the north and the Thames to the south, was Mercia, a loose collection of settlements and kingdoms.
3. Kentish - was the dialect spoken in the southeastem comer of the country. Here, too, litde survives in tliis dialect.
4. The most important dialect of Old English was West Saxon (W-S), the form of the language spoken and written in the southwestem part of the country.
• This was the dialect of King Alfred (d. 899), of the seat of govemment of the A-S people that emerged in the late 91*1 and early 10*ł* century, located in Winchester, and of the church.
• Most manuscripts of OE literaturę are in the W-S dialect, so when we read “Old English” in modem editions, we are reading texts in the W-S dialect.
• OE was first written using mnes, but after the Christianisation (initiated in 597) Latin alphabet was adopted.
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