
{Change Comments ***********************************************************} {5/21/96 Copied: Heid TNC 425 [HPM] M972.89m Created: Heid TNC 425 [PB] M053.89m For: Fructus/Pharmacia Biosensor Machine: Control: Versions: ncCad 4.33.02/ncCAM 4.33.01/ncPost 4.33.09/Catalyst v3.04.05C/Compost 4.21.37/1.0a Changes made per Mikael Bagge of Fructus. Customer requested Coordinate FORMAT changes. Changed FORMAT#1 from '####0.000' to '####0.###;0' at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Changed FORMAT#2 from '###.###;0.' to '##0.###;0' at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Changed FORMAT#3 from '*###.###;0.' to '*##0.###;0' at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Changed FORMAT#4 from '±####0.000' to '±####0.###;+0' at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Changed FORMAT#6 from '±*####0.000' to '±*####0.###;+0' at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Modified literal at ckCRCOff, StartSub, StdSub, FinishSubG92, OpenMP, CloseMP, FormatArc, ToolPath, AutoCycCutSub2 and ZonlyRep subs, and FirstOperation and NewTool. Customer requested deletion of padded spaces. Modified DoL, Space, XYZSpace, DoR0 and DoM subs. Customer requested deletion of CYCL7 sub. Deleted sub and 3 calls to same at FirstOperation. Deleted SetProgNumTo10 sub. Replaced with SetProgNum command at setup and initializations Customer requested Tool Comment at Tool Call block. Added ToolTypeComments sub, called from FirstOperation and NewTool. Deleted ToolChng block at FirstOperation and NewTool. Deleted PreTool at FirstOperation and NewTool. Changed Drill Cycle Labels at IF Drilling. Changed output blocks at end of Prog. Including ASCII(3) DWB} {2/27/97 Modified: Heid TNC 425 [PB] M053.89m Created: Heid TNC 425 [PB] M053.89.1m For: Fructus/Biacore formerly known as Pharmacia Biosensor Versions: Catalyst v3.30C/ComPost2 MSL 68K Changes made per Mikael Bagge of Fructus. Customer requested that subs be output outside of main program, between M2 and END PGM. UnCommented OpenSub at StartSub. UnCommented CloseSub at at FinishSubG92, CloseMP, AutoCycCutSub2, ZonlyRepAutoCycle, ZonlyRep and IF Drilling. Deleted Post command at end of Prog. Added CloseSub and Post2 commands between M2 and END PGM at end of Prog. DWB} {5/16/97 Modified: Heid TNC 425 [PB] M053.89.1m Created: Heid TNC 425 [PB] M053.89.2m For: Fructus/Biacore/NPP Versions: Catalyst v3.33C/ComPost2 MSL 68K Changes made per Mikael Bagge of Fructus. Added missing SetMaxFeed at setup and initializations. Changed METERS to MILLIMETERS at FirstOperation. Added SetScale(1) and call to RestoreScale for BLK FORM graphic blocks at start of output. Used Heidenhain TNC 151 M115.89.3m to make following modifications: Corrected Drilling Operations for Variable DrillDepths. Variable DrillDepths requires entire Cycle to redefined at appropriate hole locations. This means MasterOp and CallMasterOp cannot be supported for these situations. Deleted contents of DoDrillAbsOrInc sub. Added DrillCycle sub for redefinition of Cycle. Called from ToolPath PointFeat. Added support of Variable DrillDepths at ToolPath PointFeat. Added SPZMove test at IF Drilling. Deleted Flag(1) at IF Drilling. Corrected AutoCycles. Modified ToolPath PointFeat. Was outputting CYCL CALL block which applies only to Drilling Cycles. Was outputting M99 which applies only to Drilling Cycles. Other modifications: Changed IF AutoCycle? to IF NOT AbsValue? at EntryMove. For support of Incremental InFeed. Updated ZonlyRepAutoCycle. Added StartPosX# to FORMAT#4 at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Added StartPosY# to FORMAT#4 at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Changed SPX# to StartPosX# two places at ZonlyRepAutoCycle. Changed SPY# to StartPosY# two places at ZonlyRepAutoCycle. Deleted LoadFeat to ZCP3 at end of IF Milling. NOT ZMove result bypassed output of CoolOff command. Changed ZCP2PlusIncC to ZCP2PlusInc at ZonlyRep sub. DWB} {11/4/97 Copied: Heid TNC 425 [PB] M053.89.2m Created: Heid TNC 370 [ME] MW41.89m For: Fructus/Metallic AB Machine: Bridgeport Control: Heidenhain TNC 370 Versions: Catalyst v4.21.10(mac)/ComPost2 MSL 68K Changes made per Mikael Bagge of Fructus. Increased SetMaxRPM from 3000 to 10000 at setup and initializations. Changed literal ' L' SpinOff to ' L M25' at end of Prog. Deleted literal ' TOOL CALL 0' at end of Prog. Added SetFlagF(5) at setup and initializations. Customer requested changes to Drilling Operations. Added SUB# to FORMAT#4 at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Added MUL# to FORMAT#4 at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Added CalcZFmSurf# to FORMAT#4 at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Added FeedTapIPR# to FORMAT#4 at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Deleted ClearancePlane2# from FORMAT#4 at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Added CalcCP2FmSurf# to FORMAT#6 at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Added CalcSPZFmSurf# sub. SUBtracts SPZ# from CalcZSurf#. Changed ClearancePlane2# to CalcCP2FmSurf# 3 places at DrillCycle sub. Changed SPZ# to CalcSPZFmSurf# sub call 4 places at DrillCycle sub. Added IF NOT CWSpindle? condition to change FeedTapIPR# from FORMAT#4 to FORMAT#6 at DrillCycle sub. Changed literal 'V.TID 0' to STIGN. ' FeedTapIPR#('1') for RigidTap at DrillCycle sub. Changed ClearancePlane2# to CalcCP2FmSurf# 3 places at IF Drilling. Changed ZDepth# to CalcZFmSurf# sub call 3 places at IF Drilling. Changed SetInc ZDepth# SetAbs to CalcZFmSurf# sub call 3 places at IF Drilling. Added IF NOT CWSpindle? condition to change FeedTapIPR# from FORMAT#4 to FORMAT#6 at IF Drilling. Changed literal 'V.TID 0' to STIGN. ' FeedTapIPR#('1') for RigidTap at IF Drilling. DWB} {12/5/97, Initial : Heid TNC 370 [ME] MW41.89m Created: Heid TNC 370 [ME] MW41.89.1m Customer: Fructus/Metallic AB Changes to "Form": 1. Under Spindle & Coolant, added a Space before the Spindle Speed Label (S). Changes to "Prog": 1. Changed all Start Comment Lable to ; and removed all End Comment Lables. 2. Changed SetMaxRPM from 10000 to 7000. 3. Added SpeedC to first block for Same Tool New Operation. 4. Added L M6 block after TOOL CALL. 5. Removed L M25 at tape END. 6. Changed #6 format (affects CalcCP2FmSurf# and Peck#) and added format for CalcZSurf#. 7. Replaced drilling cycles with CYCL DEF 203. 8. Added motion to ZCP1, X and Y location, and to ZCP2 when ReatractToCP1 in canned cycles. 9. Moved REP n/n output to the end of sub-program for MultiParts and changed Parts# to PartsLess1#. JHE} {2/12/98, Initial : Heid TNC 370 [ME] MW41.89.1m Created: Heid TNC 370 [ME] MW41.89.2m Customer: Fructus/Metallic AB Changes to "Prog": 1. Changed Q213 to output 0 only for Peck, Full Out cycle. 2. Changed SetMaxFeed to 9999. 3. Added a check in SameTool if the RPM has been changed. If yes, added two blocks. 4. Added M13 for both Spindle & Coolant On and changed CheckCoolOn sub-routine. 5. Removed the output of SpinOff (M5) before tool change. 6. Added Helical support. 7. For MultiParts, saved the program# to Var#1 and output that number in the repeat block. Also added FORMAT for Recall#. 8. Changed CheckCoolOff sub-routine not to output M9 for SameTool. JHE} {02/24/98, Initial : Heid TNC 370 [ME] MW41.89.2m Created: Heid TNC 370 [ME] MW41.89.3m Customer: Fructus/Metallic AB Changes to "Form": 1. disabled M9 in Cooloff Changes to "Prog": 1. Commented out "L M6" (toolchange) if sametool in milling Mikael Bagge / Fructus Data AB} {3/2/98, Initial : Heid TNC 370 [ME] MW41.89.3m Created: Heid TNC 370 [ME] MW41.89.4m Customer: Fructus/Metallic AB Changes to "Form": 1. Under Spindle & Coolant, changed Coolant Off number from 0 to 9. Changes to "Prog": 1. Changed ArcI# & ArcJ# format from #4 to #8 (mult by -1). 2. Added FORMAT #8. 3. Removed the output of CoolOff (M9) before tool change, program stop, and end. JHE} {3/20/98, Initial : Heid TNC 370 [ME] MW41.89.4m Created: Heid TNC 370 [ME] MW41.89.5m Customer: Fructus/Metallic AB Changes to "Prog": 1. Changed SetMaxRPM to 9999. 2. Changed IPA value in helical blocks to be ArcAngle# & added FORMAT to ArcAngle#. JHE} {Prog Numeric Format Definitions ****************************************} #1 = '#.00' #2 = '####0.###;0' #3 = '*####0.###;0' #4 = '±####0.###;+0' #5 = '#######0' #6 = '+####0.###;+0' {Changed from ±* - JHE} #7 = '+###0' #8 = '±*####0.###;+0' {Added - JHE 3/2} FORMAT(FileFeet#,1) FORMAT(FileMeters#,1) FORMAT(Dwell#,2) FORMAT(ABS#,4) FORMAT(SUB#,4) FORMAT(MUL#,4) FORMAT(DIV#,4) FORMAT(CalcZFmSurf#,4) FORMAT(FeedTapIPR#,4) FORMAT(XStockMin#,4) FORMAT(XStockMax#,4) FORMAT(YStockMin#,4) FORMAT(YStockMax#,4) FORMAT(ZStockMin#,4) FORMAT(ZStockMax#,4) FORMAT(HomeX#,4) FORMAT(HomeY#,4) FORMAT(StartPosX#,4) FORMAT(StartPosY#,4) FORMAT(SPX#,4) FORMAT(SPY#,4) FORMAT(SPZ#,4) FORMAT(EPX#,4) FORMAT(EPY#,4) FORMAT(EPZ#,4) FORMAT(ArcI#,8) {Changed from 4 - JHE 3/2} FORMAT(ArcJ#,8) {Changed from 4 - JHE 3/2} FORMAT(ZDepth#,4) FORMAT(RepeatX#,4) FORMAT(RepeatY#,4) FORMAT(RepeatZ#,4) FORMAT(PartShiftX#,4) FORMAT(PartShiftY#,4) FORMAT(PartShiftZ#,4) FORMAT(OriginUnShiftPX#,4) FORMAT(OriginUnShiftPY#,4) FORMAT(OriginUnShiftPZ#,4) FORMAT(OriginUnShiftRX#,4) FORMAT(OriginUnShiftRY#,4) FORMAT(OriginUnShiftRZ#,4) FORMAT(ToolDiameter#,4) FORMAT(TrackZNO#,4) FORMAT(TLDia#,4) FORMAT(TLLength#,4) FORMAT(CalcZSurf#,4) {Added - JHE} FORMAT(ArcAngle#,4) {Added - JHE 3/20} FORMAT(Recall#,5) {Added - JHE} FORMAT(TLNum#,5) FORMAT(Program#,5) FORMAT(Program2#,5) FORMAT(CallMasterNum#,5) FORMAT(Operation#,5) FORMAT(Tool#,5) FORMAT(NextTool#,5) FORMAT(Parts#,5) FORMAT(CalcCP2FmSurf#,6) FORMAT(Peck#,6) FORMAT(FeedEntry#,7) {Special Subs ****************************************************} DoL: ' L' RETURN DoZL: DoL RETURN Space: { 10 Spaces } {' '} RETURN XYZSpace: {' '} Space RETURN XYSpace: Space Space RETURN ZSpace: Space Space Space RETURN IXYZSpace: Space RETURN IXYSpace: Space Space RETURN IZSpace: Space Space Space RETURN DoR0: IF NOT Flag?('3') { ArcFeat } {' '} END IF Flag?('2') { CutterRadiusCompensation } IF CRCleft? ' RL' ELSE ' RR' END ELSE ' R0' END RETURN RF: { RapidF } ' F MAX' RETURN DoM: {' M'} RETURN ckCRCOff: IF Flag?('2') { CRCOn } SetFlagF('2') SeqLab DoL ' IX+0 IY+0' IXYSpace DoR0 RF DoM EOL END RETURN CheckCoolOn: {Changed - JHE 2/12} IF SameTool? IF LAST ProgStop? CoolOn ELSE IF NOT CoolOff? AND LAST CoolOff? CoolOn END END END RETURN CheckCoolOff: {Changed - JHE 2/12} IF LastOp? OR NEXT NewTool? {CoolOff} {Removed - JHE 3/2} ELSE IF NEXT SameTool? IF ProgStop? {CoolOff} {Removed - JHE 3/2} ELSE IF NEXT CoolOff? AND NOT CoolOff? CoolOff END END END END RETURN {Prog Subroutines ******************************************} RestoreScale: IF NOT Metric? { CAM file is in English, tools and tool path } SetScale('25.4') { change to Metric, this is a Metric post } ELSE SetScale('1') END RETURN WFOStuff: { NOTE: This Post Processor does not support WorkFixtureOffsets. } RETURN DoSubComment: IF UseComments? AND SubComment? '; SUB NUMBER: ' Program# EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END RETURN DoOpComments: IF UseComments? SetScale('1') IF OperationIDComment? '; OPERATION ' Operation# ': ' OperationType$ EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END IF OperationComment? '; ' OperationComment$ EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END IF WorkGroupComment? '; ' WorkGroupComment$ EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END IF ToolTypeComment? '; TOOL ' Tool# ': ' ToolDiameter# ' ' ToolType$ EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END IF ToolComment? '; ' ToolComment$ EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END RestoreScale END RETURN ToolTypeComments: IF ToolTypeComment? SetScale('1') ' ; ' ToolType$ ' ' ToolDiameter# EOL RestoreScale END RETURN PSInit: NewWFOF RotateF OptCyc1F MasterOpF CallMasterOpF RETURN PSStuff: IF FourthCW? FORMAT(FourthDegree#,2) SeqLab ' A' FourthDegree# EOL FourthCWF END IF FourthCCW? FORMAT(FourthDegree#,3) SeqLab ' A' FourthDegree# EOL FourthCCWF END IF FifthCW? FORMAT(FifthDegree#,2) SeqLab ' B' FifthDegree# EOL FifthCWF END IF FifthCCW? FORMAT(FifthDegree#,3) SeqLab ' B' FifthDegree# EOL FifthCCWF END RETURN DoPostScript: PSInit EachPS SeqLab PostScript EOL PSStuff NextPS RETURN DoEndOpPS: PSInit EachEOPS SeqLab EndOpPS EOL PSStuff NextPS RETURN EntryMove: SeqLab DoZL IF NOT AbsValue? ' IZ' SPZ# IZSpace ELSE ZIn ZSpace END DoR0 IF FeedEntry? Feed {no output} FeedEnt ELSE Rapid {no output} RF END DoM EOL RETURN StartSub: OpenSub DoSubComment SeqLab ' LBL ' Program# EOL RETURN SubWarning: IF UseComments? IF NOT FeedConnect? IF AnyZshift? ' ' EOL '; WARNING Z CLEARANCE WILL CHANGE WITH EACH CYCLE OF SUB REPEAT' EOL ' ' EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END END END RETURN StdSub: SeqLab ' CALL LBL ' Program# ' REP ' Repeats# ' / ' Repeats# EOL StartSub RETURN FinishSub1: {part 1} IF NOT FeedConnect? SeqLab DoZL ZCP3 ZSpace IF Flag?('2') { CRCOn } SetFlagF('2') DoR0 SetFlag('2') ELSE DoR0 END IF AutoCycle? RF ELSE IF FIFO? Feed {no output} FeedEnt ELSE Rapid {no output} RF END END DoM EOL END ckCRCOff RETURN FinishSubG92: {part 2} SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.0 NOLLPUNKT' EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.1 IX' RepeatX# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.2 IY' RepeatY# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.3 IZ' RepeatZ# EOL SeqLab ' LBL 0' EOL CloseSub SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.0 NOLLPUNKT' EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.1 IX' OriginUnShiftRX#('0') EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.2 IY' OriginUnShiftRY#('0') EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.3 IZ' OriginUnShiftRZ#('0') EOL RETURN OpenMP: IF EquallySpacedOffsets? NewProg Save# Num#('1') Program# {Added this line - JHE 2/12} SeqLab ' CALL LBL ' Program# EOL {Removed ' REP ' Parts# '/' Parts# - JHE} StartSub END RETURN CloseMP: IF EquallySpacedOffsets? SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.0 NOLLPUNKT' EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.1 IX' PartShiftX# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.2 IY' PartShiftY# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.3 IZ' PartShiftZ# EOL SeqLab ' CALL LBL ' Recall# Num#('1') ' REP ' PartsLess1# ' / ' PartsLess1# EOL {Added this line - JHE} {Changed Program# with Recall# - JHE 2/12} SeqLab ' LBL 0' EOL CloseSub SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.0 NOLLPUNKT' EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.1 IX' OriginUnShiftPX#('0') EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.2 IY' OriginUnShiftPY#('0') EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 7.3 IZ' OriginUnShiftPZ#('0') EOL END RETURN DoAbsOrInc: IF Flag?('1') AND AbsoluteMoves? IF ZMove? AND AbsValue? SetInc ELSE IF NOT ZMove? AND NOT AbsValue? SetAbs END END END RETURN DoDrillAbsOrInc: { Not Supported } RETURN RestoreAbsOrInc: IF Flag?('1') AND AbsoluteMoves? AND NOT AbsValue? SetAbs END RETURN CheckMove: IF ArcFeat? AND ZMove? {Added Helical Arc - JHE 2/12} ' IPA' ArcAngle# {Added ArcAngle# - JHE 3/20} {IF XMove? OR YMove? {Removed next 5 lines - JHE 3/20} ABS# SUB# SPMoveAngle# EPMoveAngle# ELSE '+360.000' END} ' IZ' IF AbsValue? TrackXNO# EPX# TrackYNO# EPY# SetInc EPZ# SetAbs ELSE SetAbs TrackXNO# EPX# TrackYNO# EPY# SetInc EPZ# END {End of Helix - JHE 2/12} ELSE IF AutoCycle? OR NOT AbsValue? IF XMove? OR YMove? OR ArcFeat? ' IX' EPX# ' IY' EPY# IF ZMove? ' IZ' EPZ# IXYZSpace ELSE IXYSpace END ELSE IF ZMove? ' IZ' EPZ# IZSpace END END ELSE IF XMove? OR YMove? OR ArcFeat? MoveX MoveY IF ZMove? MoveZC XYZSpace ELSE XYSpace END ELSE IF ZMove? MoveZC ZSpace END END END END RETURN FormatArc: DoAbsOrInc SeqLab ' CC' IF AutoCycle? OR NOT AbsValue? {implies incremental} ' IX' ArcI# ' IY' ArcJ# ELSE ArcIJ END EOL SeqLab IF ZMove? {Added this check - JHE 2/12} ' CP' {Added this line - JHE 2/12} ELSE ' C' END CheckMove IF ArcCW? ' DR-' CWArc {no output} ELSE ' DR+' CCWArc {no output} END SetFlag('3') DoR0 SetFlagF('3') RETURN ckCRC: IF CutterRadiusCompensation? IF LastFeat? SetFlagF('2') { CRCOff } ELSE IF NOT ZMove? SetFlag('2') { CRCOn } END END END RETURN ckCRCNum: { Not Supported } RETURN FormatLine: IF ZMove? AND NOT XMove? AND NOT YMove? DoZL ELSE DoL END DoAbsOrInc CkCRC CheckMove DoR0 RETURN CalcSPZFmSurf#: SUB# SPZ# CalcZSurf# RETURN DrillCycle: IF RigidTap? SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 17.0 FAST GAENGNING' EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 17.1 AVST ' CalcCP2FmSurf# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 17.2 DJUP ' CalcSPZFmSurf# EOL IF NOT CWSpindle? FORMAT(FeedTapIPR#,6) END SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 17.3 STIGN. ' FeedTapIPR#('1') EOL { STIGN. = Pitch } FORMAT(FeedTapIPR#,4) ELSE IF Tap? SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 2.0 G€NGBORRNING' EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 2.1 AVST ' CalcCP2FmSurf# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 2.2 DJUP ' CalcSPZFmSurf# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 2.3 V.TID 0' EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 2.4' FeedEnt EOL ELSE { {Replaced drilling output - JHE} SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 1.0 PECKING' EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 1.1 SET UP ' CalcCP2FmSurf# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 1.2 DEPTH ' CalcSPZFmSurf# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 1.3 PECKG ' IF Peck? Peck# ELSE CalcSPZFmSurf# END EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 1.4 DWELL ' IF Dwell? Dwell# ELSE '0' END EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 1.5' FeedEnt EOL } SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 203 UNIVERSAL BORR.' ' Q200=' CalcCP2FmSurf# ' Q201=' CalcZFmSurf# ' Q206=' FeedEntry# IF Peck? ' Q202=' Peck# ELSE FORMAT(CalcZFmSurf#,6) ' Q202=' CalcZFmSurf# FORMAT(CalcZFmSurf#,4) END ' Q210=0' ' Q203=' CalcZSurf# ' Q204=' CalcCP2FmSurf# ' Q212=0' IF PeckFullRetract? {Changed from Peck? - JHE 2/12} ' Q213=0' {Changed from 9999 - JHE 2/12} ELSE ' Q213=9999' {Changed from 0 - JHE 2/12} END ' Q205=0' IF Dwell? ' Q211=' Dwell# ELSE ' Q211=0' END IF FIRO? OR Peck? ' Q208=0' EOL ELSE IF FIFO? ' Q208=' FeedEntry# EOL END END END END RETURN ToolPath: EACHFeat IF PointFeat? Rapid {no output} IF AutoCycle? IF NOT FirstFeat? SeqLab DoL MoveSX MoveSY XYSpace DoR0 RF DoM EOL END SeqLab ' CALL LBL ' Program# EOL CalcACSRXY {calc tool position after sub call, CalcAutoCycleStatusRecordXY} ELSE IF FirstFeat? SeqLab ' CYCL CALL' XYZSpace ZSpace DoM EOL ELSE IF SPZMove? SeqLab DoL MoveSX MoveSY XYSpace DoR0 RF DoM EOL DrillCycle SeqLab ' CYCL CALL' XYZSpace ZSpace DoM EOL ELSE IF RetractToCP1? {Added this check and next 3 lines - JHE} SeqLab DoL ZCP1 DoR0 RF EOL SeqLab DoL MoveSX MoveSY DoR0 RF EOL SeqLab DoL ZCP2 DoR0 RF ' M99' EOL ELSE SeqLab DoL MoveSX MoveSY DoR0 RF ' M99' EOL END END END TrackZNO# SPZ# END ELSE IF RapidFeat? IF XMove? OR YMove? OR ZMove? Rapid {no output} SeqLab FormatLine RF DoM EOL END ELSE IF LineFeat? IF XMove? OR YMove? OR ZMove? Feed {no output} IF Decelerate? IF RoomToDecel? DecelMove1 SeqLab FormatLine FeedRate DoM EOL DecelMove2 END SeqLab FormatLine DecelFeed DoM EOL ELSE SeqLab FormatLine FeedRate DoM EOL END END ELSE IF ArcFeat? SetStatusOff IF Metric? AND LessThan? ABS# ArcR# Num#('.02') SetFlag('4') ELSE IF NOT Metric? AND LessThan? ABS# ArcR# Num#('.0007874015748031') { .02 Ö 25.4 } SetFlag('4') END END SetStatusOn IF Flag?('4') SeqLab FormatLine FeedRate DoM EOL { StdLine } ELSE EACHQuadrant { Do not use NOT, FIRST, LAST or NEXT modifiers in this loop } IF LastQuadrant? AND Decelerate? IF RoomToDecel? DecelMove1 FormatArc ArcFeed DoM EOL DecelMove2 END FormatArc DecelFeed DoM EOL ELSE FormatArc ArcFeed DoM EOL END NEXTQuadrant END SetFlagF('4') END END END END NEXTFeat RestoreAbsOrInc RETURN AutoCycCutSub1: {part 1} SaveSubStatus {save tool position} SetPass1 {element cut moves} StartSub SetSRXYtoSP SetInc RETURN AutoCycCutSub2: {part 2} ToolPath SetAbs IF Repeats? AND FeedConnect? AND ZshiftOnly? ELSE SeqLab DoZL ZCP2 ZSpace DoR0 IF FIFO? Feed {no output} FeedEnt ELSE Rapid {no output} RF END DoM EOL END SeqLab ' LBL 0' EOL CloseSub SetSRSubXY {restore SR to 1st position value} SetSRSubMove RETURN AutoCycPat: SetPass2 {position pattern} ToolPath {call after NewProg for correct sub calls} SetPass1 {reset} RETURN Milling: IF AutoCycle? NewProg AutoCycCutSub1 EntryMove AutoCycCutSub2 AutoCycPat ELSE EntryMove ToolPath END RETURN G92Sub: SubWarning StdSub SetAbs SeqLab DoL StrtPos XYSpace DoR0 IF FeedConnect? Feed {no output} FeedEnt ELSE Rapid {no output} RF END DoM EOL Milling FinishSub1 FinishSubG92 RETURN ZonlyRepAutoCycle: AutoCycPat {write pattern moves and main calls} StartSub NewProg EachCycle SetSRXYtoEP IF FeedConnect? Feed {no output} IF NOT FirstCycle? IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? SetInc SeqLab DoL ' IX' StartPosX# ' IY' StartPosY# IXYSpace DoR0 FeedEnt DoM EOL SetAbs END END SeqLab DoZL ZInPlusInc ZSpace DoR0 FeedEnt DoM EOL ELSE IF NOT FirstCycle? Rapid {no output} IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? SetInc SeqLab DoL ' IX' StartPosX# ' IY' StartPosY# IXYSpace DoR0 RF DoM EOL SetAbs END IF FeedEntry? SeqLab DoZL ZCP2PlusInc ZSpace DoR0 RF DoM EOL END END SeqLab DoZL ZInPlusInc ZSpace DoR0 IF FeedEntry? Feed {no output} FeedEnt ELSE Rapid {no output} RF END DoM EOL END IF FirstCycle? SetStatusOff {protect Z position for incremental sub} END SeqLab ' CALL LBL ' Program# EOL NextCycle SetStatusOn AutoCycCutSub1 {build element sub} AutoCycCutSub2 IF FeedConnect? {there is no Z up in the sub} SeqLab DoZL ZCP2 ZSpace DoR0 IF FIFO? Feed {no output} FeedEnt ELSE Rapid {no output} RF END DoM EOL END SeqLab ' LBL 0' EOL CloseSub {Element shift, not pattern} RETURN ZonlyRep: EachCycle IF NOT FirstCycle? SeqLab DoL StrtPos XYSpace DoR0 IF FeedConnect? Feed {no output} FeedEnt ELSE Rapid {no output} RF END DoM EOL END IF FeedConnect? Feed {no output} SeqLab DoZL ZInPlusInc ZSpace DoR0 FeedEnt DoM EOL ELSE {Entry/Exit Connect} IF FeedEntry? IF NOT FirstCycle? Rapid {no output} SeqLab DoZL ZCP2PlusInc ZSpace DoR0 RF DoM EOL END Feed {no output} SeqLab DoZL ZInPlusInc ZSpace DoR0 FeedEnt DoM EOL ELSE Rapid {no output} SeqLab DoZL ZInPlusInc ZSpace DoR0 RF DoM EOL END END SeqLab ' CALL LBL ' Program# EOL NextCycle StartSub TrackZNO# FIRST SPZ# ToolPath FinishSub1 SeqLab ' LBL 0' EOL CloseSub RETURN CheckPass: IF AutoCycle? {use the correct StrtPos} SetPass2 ELSE SetPass1 END RETURN SkipToLastFeat: EachFeat IF LastFeat? TrackXNO# SPX# TrackYNO# SPY# END NextFeat RETURN SetDrillEndOpZ: IF RetractToCP1? TrackZNO# ClearancePlane1# ELSE TrackZNO# ClearancePlane2# END RETURN GetStartOfSameTool: DoOpComments DoPostScript CheckPass RETURN {Start of executable Prog **************************************************} {setup and initializations} InitProg SetAbs ReverseXZArcs SetFlood UseSeparateSubCalls SetMaxSeparateSubCalls('50') SetMaxRPM('9999') {Changed from 7000 - JHE 3/20} IF Metric? SetMaxFeed('9999') {Changed from 2540 - JHE 2/12} ELSE SetMaxFeed('100') END SaveProgNum2 SetProgNum('10') SetFlagF('1') { Milling ZShiftOnly SepSubs } SetFlagF('2') { CRCOff } SetFlagF('3') { ArcFeat } SetFlagF('4') { OutPut ArcFeat as StdLine when ArcR# LessThan Num#('.02mm') } SetFlagF('5') { Drilling Operation with SPZMove } Save# Num#('1') Num#('0') {Sub program for MultiParts} {Added this line - JHE 2/12} IF PSComment? AND UseComments? 'PostScript:' EOL ' Literals: put between single or double quotes.' EOL ' Separate commands and literals with at least one space.' EOL ' A CR ( RETURN key ) will start a new line.' EOL ' Commands: may be capital and/or lower case letters. Separate commands with a space.' EOL ' EndOP -' EOL ' all literals and commands before an ENDOP command' EOL ' will appear at the beginning of the operation. All ' EOL ' literals and commands after an ENDOP command will appear' EOL ' at the end of the operation. ' EOL ' 4thAxisCW(12.5), 4ACW(12.5) -' EOL ' generates a + A move of the value you specify' EOL ' 4thAxisCCW(22.5), 4ACCW(22.5) -' EOL ' generates a - A move of the value you specify' EOL ' 5thAxisCW(30), 5ACW(30) -' EOL ' generates a + B move of the value you specify' EOL ' 5thAxisCCW(22.5), 5ACCW(22.5) -' EOL ' generates a - B move of the value you specify' EOL END IF MultipleParts? AND WorkFixtureOffsets? '; *** WARNING ***' EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} '; THIS POST PROCESSOR DOES NOT SUPPORT WORKFIXTURE OFFSETS.' EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} '; PLEASE SELECT EQUALLY SPACED OFFSETS.' EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} '; *** WARNING ***' EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END EachOp {Start of post processing *********************} IF FirstOperation? SeqLab ' BEGIN PGM ' Program2# ' MM' EOL IF ToolChangeAtHome? SetHome END RestoreScale SeqLab ' BLK FORM 0.1 Z X' XStockMin# ' Y' YStockMin# ' Z' ZStockMin# EOL SeqLab ' BLK FORM 0.2 X' XStockMax# ' Y' YStockMax# ' Z' ZStockMax# EOL SetScale('1') IF UseComments? IF ProgramNameComment? '; PROGRAM: ' ProgramName$ EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END IF ProgramComment? '; ' ProgramComment$ EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END IF FormatNameComment? '; FORMAT: ' FormatName$ EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END IF TimeComment? '; ' Date$ ' AT ' Time$ EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END IF MovesComment? '; OUTPUT IN ABSOLUTE MILLIMETERS' EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END IF PartsComment? '; PARTS PROGRAMMED: ' Parts# EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END IF StartToolComment? '; FIRST TOOL NOT IN SPINDLE' EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END END OpenSub RestoreScale Plane {no output} IF MultipleParts? AND AllToolsOnePart? OpenMP END SeqLab ' TOOL CALL ' Tool# ' Z' Speed ToolTypeComments EOL SeqLab ' L M6' EOL {Added this line - JHE} DoOpComments DoPostScript IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND FullUp? OpenMP END CheckPass IF CoolOff? {Added this check - JHE 2/12} SeqLab DoL StrtPos XYSpace DoR0 RF SpinOn EOL ELSE SeqLab DoL StrtPos XYSpace DoR0 RF ' M13' EOL {Added this line - JHE 2/12} END IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND ExitClearancePlane? OpenMP IF EquallySpacedOffsets? IF CoolOff? {Added this check - JHE 2/12} SeqLab DoL StrtPos XYSpace DoR0 RF SpinOn EOL ELSE SeqLab DoL StrtPos XYSpace DoR0 RF ' M13' EOL {Added this line - JHE 2/12} END END END ELSE IF NewTool? {Finish off last Operation} IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND ExitClearancePlane? CloseMP END Rapid {no output} SeqLab DoL ZCP1 ZSpace DoR0 RF EOL {Removed SpinOff - JHE 2/12} IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND FullUp? CloseMP END DoEndOpPS IF LAST ProgStop? SeqLab ' STOP M02' EOL END {Start new Operation} Plane {no output} DoOpComments DoPostScript SeqLab ' TOOL CALL ' Tool# ' Z' Speed ToolTypeComments EOL SeqLab ' L M6' EOL {Added this line - JHE} IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND FullUp? OpenMP END CheckPass IF CoolOff? {Added this check - JHE 2/12} SeqLab DoL StrtPos XYSpace DoR0 RF SpinOn EOL ELSE SeqLab DoL StrtPos XYSpace DoR0 RF ' M13' EOL {Added this line - JHE 2/12} END IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND ExitClearancePlane? OpenMP IF EquallySpacedOffsets? IF CoolOff? {Added this check - JHE 2/12} SeqLab DoL StrtPos XYSpace DoR0 RF SpinOn EOL ELSE SeqLab DoL StrtPos XYSpace DoR0 RF ' M13' EOL {Added this line - JHE 2/12} END END END ELSE IF SameTool? DoEndOpPS IF LAST ProgStop? SeqLab ' STOP M02' EOL END {Start new Operation} GetStartOfSameTool Plane {no output} IF Equal? SpeedRPM# LAST SpeedRPM# {Added this check - JHE 2/12} SeqLab DoL StrtPos XYSpace DoR0 RF DoM EOL {Removed SpeedC - JHE 2/12} ELSE SeqLab DoL StrtPos XYSpace DoR0 RF DoM EOL {Added this line - JHE 2/12} SeqLab ' TOOL CALL ' Tool# ' Z' Speed EOL {Added this line - JHE 2/12} {SeqLab ' L M6' EOL Added this line - JHE 2/12} END END END END {common point for all operations} IF Milling? SeqLab DoZL ZCP2 ZSpace DoR0 RF CheckCoolOn EOL IF Repeats? NewProg IF ZshiftOnly? IF AutoCycle? {incremental Autocycle sub can have Z moves} ZonlyRepAutoCycle ELSE {Z shift only, NOT Auto Cycle} IF UseSeparateSubCalls? AND CyclesLessThanMaxSubCalls? SetFlag('1') { Milling ZShiftOnly SepSubs } ZonlyRep SetFlagF('1') ELSE {no sep subs desired} G92Sub END END {end Auto Cycle IF} ELSE {not Z only} G92Sub END {end Z only IF} ELSE {no repeat OPs} Milling END SeqLab DoZL ZCP3 ZSpace IF Flag?('2') { CRCOn } SetFlagF('2') DoR0 SetFlag('2') ELSE DoR0 END IF AutoCycle? Rapid {no output} RF ELSE IF FIFO? Feed {no output} FeedEnt ELSE Rapid {no output} RF END END CheckCoolOff EOL ckCRCOff ELSE IF Drilling? IF Repeats? NewProg StdSub Rapid {no output} SeqLab DoL StrtPos XYSpace DoR0 RF DoM EOL END SeqLab DoZL ZCP2 ZSpace DoR0 RF CheckCoolOn EOL GetCycle IF RigidTap? SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 17.0 FAST GAENGNING' EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 17.1 AVST ' CalcCP2FmSurf# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 17.2 DJUP ' CalcZFmSurf# EOL IF NOT CWSpindle? FORMAT(FeedTapIPR#,6) END SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 17.3 STIGN. ' FeedTapIPR#('1') EOL { STIGN. = Pitch } FORMAT(FeedTapIPR#,4) ELSE IF Tap? SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 2.0 G€NGBORRNING' EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 2.1 AVST ' CalcCP2FmSurf# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 2.2 DJUP ' CalcZFmSurf# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 2.3 V.TID 0' EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 2.4' FeedEnt EOL ELSE { {Replaced drilling output - JHE} SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 1.0 PECKING' EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 1.1 SET UP ' CalcCP2FmSurf# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 1.2 DEPTH ' CalcZFmSurf# EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 1.3 PECKG ' IF Peck? Peck# ELSE CalcZFmSurf# END EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 1.4 DWELL ' IF Dwell? Dwell# ELSE '0' END EOL SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 1.5' FeedEnt EOL } SeqLab ' CYCL DEF 203 UNIVERSAL BORR.' ' Q200=' CalcCP2FmSurf# ' Q201=' CalcZFmSurf# ' Q206=' FeedEntry# IF Peck? ' Q202=' Peck# ELSE FORMAT(CalcZFmSurf#,6) ' Q202=' CalcZFmSurf# FORMAT(CalcZFmSurf#,4) END ' Q210=0' ' Q203=' CalcZSurf# ' Q204=' CalcCP2FmSurf# ' Q212=0' IF PeckFullRetract? {Changed from Peck? - JHE 2/12} ' Q213=0' {Changed from 9999 - JHE 2/12} ELSE ' Q213=9999' {Changed from 0 - JHE 2/12} END ' Q205=0' IF Dwell? ' Q211=' Dwell# ELSE ' Q211=0' END IF FIRO? OR Peck? ' Q208=0' EOL ELSE IF FIFO? ' Q208=' FeedEntry# EOL END END END END TrackZNO# FIRST SPZ# EachFeat IF SPZMove? SetFlag('5') END NextFeat IF Flag?('5') SetFlagF('5') TrackZNO# FIRST SPZ# ToolPath ELSE IF CallMasterOp? SeqLab ' CALL LBL ' CallMasterNum# EOL SkipToLastFeat ELSE TrackZNO# FIRST SPZ# IF MasterOp? NewMasterProg SeqLab ' CALL LBL ' Program# EOL StartSub ToolPath SeqLab ' LBL 0' EOL CloseSub ELSE ToolPath END END END SetDrillEndOpZ Rapid {no output} SeqLab DoZL ZCP3 ZSpace DoR0 RF CheckCoolOff EOL IF Repeats? FinishSubG92 END END END NextOp {loops back to EachOP until last Operation} {End of program ************************************************************} {finish last operation} IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND ExitClearancePlane? CloseMP END Rapid {no output} {SeqLab ' L M25' EOL} {Removed this line - JHE} IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND FullUp? CloseMP END DoEndOpPS IF ProgStop? SeqLab ' STOP M02' EOL END IF MultipleParts? AND AllToolsOnePart? CloseMP END SeqLab ' L M2' EOL CloseSub Post2 {organize Subs into one program} SeqLab ' END PGM ' Program2# ' MM' EOL Close Retag IF UseComments? SetScale('1') {restore scale for comments} Reopen IF FileBytesComment? '; FILE LENGTH: ' FileBytes# ' CHARACTERS' EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END IF FileFeetComment? '; FILE LENGTH: ' FileFeet# ' FEET' EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END IF FileMetersComment? '; FILE LENGTH: ' FileMeters# ' METERS' EOL {Changed ( to ; and removed ) - JHE} END Close END


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