
{Change Comments ***********************************************************} {6/5/89, changed tool path to force feed on first TP move after a tool change,added Metric, WFG} {.62,1/24/90, added OP clearances for v3.2, WFG} {1/29/90 Modified: Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.69 Deleted ClearancePlane1# & FirstMoveEPX# prog format, they are not being used. Deleted extra 4 lines not needed from fall thru if not canned cycle. Added SetHome command, enables incremental ouput. Deleted ZeroPosReg command, has no effect. Jim Radcliffe} {2/16/90 Modified: Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.69.1 Added Feedrate to Approach sub. Deleted FirstFeed sub & changed FirstFeed command to Feedrate in ToolPath. Jim Radcliffe} {2/20/90 Modified: Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.69.2 Deleted extra StockOnNoCan command from Approach sub. Added missing CheckOffset commands to Sametool. Added FeedrateC commands to SameTool Feed lines. Jim Radcliffe} {5/10/90 Modified: Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.69.3 Added missing CSS stuff for same tool where the last operation was not CSS. Jim Radcliffe} {5/30/90 Modified: Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.69.4 Changed 1st axis moves in Approach to unconditional moves. Jim Radcliffe} {6/4/90 Modified: Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.69.5 Commented out Feedrate in Approach & FeedrateC in SameTool, rapid to start point. Jim Radcliffe} {6/21/90 Modified: Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.69.6 Commented out Feed in Approach & in SameTool, see last note. Put back the FirstFeed sub and calls in ToolPath that was deleted earlier. Jim Radcliffe} {7/3/90 Modified: Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.69.7 Modified Approach sub and Approach handling for SameTool. Moved all ConstantSurfaceFeed output to common point of all operations. Modified the FirstFeed sub to output Feedrate on FirstFeat of each operation. Added comment restricting use of modifiers during EACHQuadrant/NEXTQuadrant loop. DWB} {.71, Added PSComments, minor fixes, 8/1/90, JR} {9/25/90, Update to Version 3.2 per Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.71.1 Format, DWB} {10/2/90, Added StockOff globally at FirstOperation, DWB} {10/8/90, Replace CalcRPM2 globally with CalcEPRPM# at end of prog, DWB} {2/15/91, Modified: Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.71.3 Deleted PostScript handling of ProgStop and CoolOff related commands. Added General Info 1 handling of ProgStop and CoolOff related commands. Added Feed and FeedRate back in to Contour StartPoint Approach move, and Deleted FirstFeed sub. Modified handeling of ConstantSurfaceSpeed for SameTool operations in CheckOffset sub. Added code for handling Tap cycles correctly in ToolPath and at end of each Operation. Deleted XTapAtZ from Thread feature line in ToolPath. Added CheckRapid sub to output Rapid where needed. Added AbsOrInc to FirstOperation to allow for incremental output. Deleted Plane command from IF NewTool? because it is already set in FirstOperation. Deleted XStkLast and ZStkLast from RoughContour canned cycle line, they are obsolete. Modified Canned Drilling output to handle Tapping and AutoFinish better. DWB} {3/29/91, Update to Version 4.0 Format, DWB} {4/17/91 Modified: Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.80 For: Gibbs & Associates Replaced AbsOrInc command with SetAbs, in FirstOperation, and changed MoveType$ to 'ABSOLUTE'. This is because Fanuc controls that operate in Standard 'G' code group 'A', interpret 'G90' as Cutting Cycle 'A', and all incremental moves are output using 'U' and 'W' addresses. All Post Processors that fall into this category MUST BE MODIFIED!!! All Fanuc controls that operate in Special 'G' code groups 'B' and 'C', do interpret 'G90' to set the control into incremental mode, and therefore, any post processors that fall into this category do not need this modification. DWB} {8/2/91 Modified: Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.81 For: Gibbs & Associates Deleted StockOff form Approach sub, it's called from all operations. Broke up Approach sub for all operations for improved readability and less nested decisions. Combined and modified CheckRapid subs. Moved XOpECDC for IDExit from end of operation to NewTool, SameTool and end of Prog. This was to ensure that all operations end at the LAST Features EndPoint. Added LAST to XOpECDC and ZOpECPC commands at SameTool. DWB} {11/14/91 Modified: Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.82 For: Gibbs & Associates Added RestoreScale Sub per 4-Axis Post Processor. Added Logic to suppress Feed and FeedRate for Approaches. Modified output of Speed & ConstantSurfaceFeed for SameTool in CheckOffset sub. Changed SetAbs to SetAbsOrInc at setup and initializations. Added bypass of AutoFinish for Non-Canned RoughSimple Operations. Modified AutoFinish Approach. DWB} {11/24/92 Copied & modified: Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.82§ For: AM Precision Control: Fanuc 10TEF Machine: Mori Seiki SL-4 Call OpToolID & LatheOffset together at start of operation. Go directly to G96 in CSS operations. NewHome & LOfstOff on separate lines at end of tool. No UnTool at end of prog. 2 digit G & M codes. Jim Radcliffe} {Same as the above processor: Fanuc 10TEF MS SL-4} { Updated to .85 format TH} {9/23/96 Initial: Fanuc 6TB Nak SL-1 L280.85 Created: Fanuc 6T Nak Slant 2 L000.85 ForUser: Braden Engineering / Central Research Laboratories Control: Fanuc 6T Machine: Nakamura Slant 2 Develop: ComPost2 68k v1.0b3, Catalyst68K v3.04.10.C Comment: New processor per marked up readout from Bob Laughaus Moved GearRange to OpToolID LatheOffset at beginning of tool. Deleted OpToolID LatheOffset from AppMove, it is called in the main. Added G99 to first feed line of tool. Using Flag 1 to control. Changed NewHome and FirstHome to machine home. Added Part Chatcher codes Added spaces between codes. Option for 3 different types of output: Standard lathe single part output No special output if Flag 2 is false No operation contains a CutOff Bar Feeder output Output manual Bar Feed at beginning of program if Flag 2 and Flag 3 are true Program contains a CutOff and OptCyc1 at FirstOperation DoPostScript. Bar Puller output Output Puller at end of program if Flag 2 is true and Flag 3 is false Program contains a CutOff and NO OptCyc1 at FirstOperation DoPostScript. Fixed output of Rapid after ThreadFeat. Jim Radcliffe} {10/2/96 Initial: Fanuc 6T Nak Slant 2 L000.85 Created: Fanuc 6T Nak Slant 2 L000.85.1 Comment: Changed OpToolID to LOfstOff at end of tool in NewTool. Jim Radcliffe} {Prog Numeric Format Definitions *******************************************} #1 = '#.00' #2 = '###.####;0.' #3 = '#######0' #4 = '###^##0' #5 = '#.######;0.' #6 = '###0' #7 = '#' FORMAT(FileFeet#,1) FORMAT(FileMeters#,1) FORMAT(FirstMoveEPZ#,2) FORMAT(SUB#,2) FORMAT(ADD#,2) FORMAT(XStockMax#,2) FORMAT(Program#,3) {.72} FORMAT(Operation#,3) {.72} FORMAT(Tool#,3) {.72} FORMAT(Dwell#,4) {.72} FORMAT(FeedIPR#,5) FORMAT(CalcEPRPM#,6) FORMAT(RapidF#,7) {Prog Subroutines **********************************************************} PartLength#: SUB# ZStockMax# ZStockMin# RETURN G99C: IF NOT Flag?('1') ' G99' SetFlag('1') END RETURN RestoreScale: IF Metric? {CAM file is in Metric, tools and tool path} SetScale('.03937007874') { change to English, this is an English post} END RETURN DoOpComments: IF UseComments? SetScale('1') IF OperationIDComment? '( OPERATION ' Operation# ': ' OperationType$ ' )' EOL END IF OperationComment? '( ' OperationComment$ ' )' EOL END IF WorkGroupComment? '( ' WorkGroupComment$ ' )' EOL END IF ToolTypeComment? '( TOOL ' Tool# ': ' ToolSize$ ' ' ToolType$ ' )' EOL END IF ToolComment? '( ' ToolComment$ ' )' EOL END RestoreScale END RETURN PSInit: {reset flags from last Op, .70} OptCyc1F RETURN PSStuff: RETURN DoPostScript: PSInit EachPS SeqLabC PostScript EOL {literals} PSStuff {commands} NextPS RETURN DoEndOpPS: PSInit EachEOPS SeqLabC EndOpPS EOL {literals} PSStuff {commands} NextPS RETURN StockOnNoCan: IF NOT CannedCycle? StockOn {need stock for SP positioning, if not a canned cycle} END RETURN FeedNoCan: IF NOT CannedCycle? G99C FeedC END RETURN FeedRateNoCan: IF NOT CannedCycle? FeedRateC END RETURN ApproachSP: IF ApproachFace? SeqLabC StockOnNoCan XSPC EOL SeqLabC StockOff ZOpCPC EOL StockOnNoCan IF NotEqual? CycleStartZ# ZOpCP# SeqLabC FeedNoCan ZSPC FeedRateNoCan EOL END ELSE { ODApproach/IDApproach } SeqLabC StockOnNoCan ZSPC EOL SeqLabC StockOff XOpCDC EOL StockOnNoCan IF NotEqual? CycleStartX# XOpCD# SeqLabC FeedNoCan XSPC FeedRateNoCan EOL END END RETURN AppMove: StockOff ThisOpEntryZCP CoolOn RETURN Approach: { NOT FOR TAILSTOCK, .82 } SetFlagF('1') { G99 output } Rapid RapidF# { RapidF# Forces FeedRate } IF ApproachOD? SeqLabC ThisOpEntryXCP AppMove EOL ELSE IF ApproachID? SeqLabC XOpCD AppMove EOL ELSE {ApproachFace} SeqLabC StockOnNoCan XSP AppMove EOL END END ApproachSP RETURN CheckOffset: DoEndOpPS IF LAST ProgStop? SeqLabC ' M00' EOL ELSE IF NewGear? SeqLabC SpinOff EOL END IF CoolOff? AND LAST NOT CoolOff? SeqLabC CoolOff EOL END END IF NewToolOffset? SeqLabC OpToolID LatheOffset EOL END IF NewGear? SeqLabC GearRange EOL END IF ConstantSurfaceFeed? IF LAST ConstantSurfaceFeed? IF NotEqual? MaxRPM# LAST MaxRPM# SeqLabC Preset MaxRPM EOL END ELSE SeqLabC Preset MaxRPM EOL SeqLabC CSSOn ' G96' Speed END ELSE IF LAST ConstantSurfaceFeed? SeqLabC CSSOff ' G97' Speed END END IF LAST ProgStop? SeqLabC SpeedC SpinOn EOL SeqLabC CoolOn EOL ELSE SeqLabC SpeedC IF NewGear? SpinOn END EOL IF NOT CoolOff? AND LAST CoolOff? SeqLabC CoolOn EOL END END DoPostScript RETURN FormatArc: IF ArcCW? CWArcC ELSE CCWArcC END MoveXC MoveZC IF ArcIJFormat? ArcIJC ELSE ArcRC END RETURN CkCRC: { 4.2 } IF XMove? OR ZMove? { Approach Length Feature and Multiple Pockets } IF NOT LastFeat? CRCOnC END END IF LastFeat? AND EmptyLine? { Exit Length Feature } CRCOffC END RETURN ToolPath: EACHFeat GetToolTip IF LastFeat? IF CutOff? SeqLabC ' M73' EOL { parts cathcer open } END IF Drilling? IF Tap? SeqLabC SpinOff EOL SeqLabC ' G4 P2000' EOL SeqLabC Speed InverseSpinOn EOL ELSE IF Dwell? SeqLabC ' G4 P' Dwell# EOL END END ELSE IF CannedCycle? SeqLab END END END IF PointFeat? SeqLabC MoveSXYC EOL ELSE IF RapidFeat? SeqLabC IF LAST ThreadFeat? Rapid ELSE RapidC END MoveXC MoveZC EOL ELSE IF LineFeat? SeqLabC G99C CkCRC FeedC MoveXC MoveZC FeedRateC EOL ELSE IF ArcFeat? EACHQuadrant { Do not use NOT, LAST, FIRST or NEXT modifiers in this loop } SeqLabC G99C FormatArc FeedRateC EOL NEXTQuadrant ELSE IF ThreadFeat? SeqLabC ' G32' MoveXC MoveZC ThrdLead EOL END END END END END NEXTFeat RETURN CheckRapid: CRCOffC IF LAST CannedCycle? Rapid ELSE IF LAST Threading? Rapid ELSE RapidC END END RETURN {Start of executable Prog **************************************************} {setup and initializations} InitProg TagInit SetAbsOrInc NegSideLathe ReverseXZArcs SetMaxRPM('10000') SetMaxFeed('500') SetFlagF('1') { G99 output } SetFlagF('2') { CutOff somewhere in file } SetFlagF('3') { FirstOperation DoPostScript OptCyc1 } IF PSComment? AND UseComments? 'PostScript:' EOL ' Literals: put between single or double quotes.' EOL ' Separate commands and literals with at least one space.' EOL ' A CR ( RETURN key ) will start a new line.' EOL ' Commands: must be all capital letters when typed in.' EOL ' ENDOP -' EOL ' all literals and commands before an ENDOP command' EOL ' will appear at the beginning of the operation. All ' EOL ' literals and commands after an ENDOP command will appear' EOL ' at the end of the operation. ' EOL END EachOp IF CutOff? SetFlag('2') END IF FirstOperation? DoPostScript IF OptCyc1? SetFlag('3') END END NextOp EachOp {Start of post processing *********************} GetLCycle IF FirstOperation? EOR EOL ProgID1 IF UseComments? AND ProgramNameComment? '( ' ProgramName$ ' )' END EOL IF UseComments? IF ProgramComment? '( ' ProgramComment$ ' )' EOL END IF FormatNameComment? '( FORMAT: ' FormatName$ ' )' EOL END IF TimeComment? '( ' Date$ ' AT ' Time$ ' )' EOL END IF MovesComment? '( OUTPUT IN ABSOLUTE INCHES )' EOL END END RestoreScale OpenSub StockOff {.71.2} SetHome Plane IF Flag?('2') '>0' EOL END IF Flag?('2') AND Flag?('3') { Manual Bar Feed Operation } 'N?' EOL {force N number on a line by itself} '( Bump Bar )' EOL SeqLabC Preset ' X-14.571 Z9.278' EOL SeqLabC Rapid ' T1010' EOL SeqLabC ' X' XStockMax# ' Z' ADD# PartLength# Num#('1.015') EOL SeqLabC ' Z' ADD# PartLength# Num#('.015') EOL SeqLabC ' M00 ( Advance Stock )' EOL SeqLabC Rapid ' Z' ADD# PartLength# Num#('1.015') EOL SeqLabC ' G28 U0.0 W0.0 T1000' EOL SeqLabC ProgStop EOL END 'N?' EOL {force N number on a line by itself} DoOpComments DoPostScript SeqLabC Preset Home MaxRPM EOL SeqLabC Rapid OpToolID LatheOffset GearRange EOL SeqLabC IF ConstantSurfaceFeed? CSSOn ' G96' ELSE CSSOff ' G97' END Speed SpinOn EOL Approach ELSE IF NewTool? {Finish off last Operation} StockOff {.62} CheckRapid IF LAST ApproachOD? SeqLabC LAST OpExitXCPC EOL ELSE IF LAST ApproachID? SeqLabC LAST XOpECDC EOL END END SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC IF LAST CutOff? ' M74' { part catcher close } END EOL DoEndOpPS SeqLabC ' G28 U0.0 W0.0' LOfstOff '00' CoolOff EOL IF LAST ProgStop? SeqLabC ' M00' EOL ELSE SeqLabC ProgStop EOL END IF NewGear? SeqLabC SpinOff EOL END {Start new Operation} 'N?' EOL {force N number on a line by itself} DoOpComments DoPostScript SeqLabC Preset Home MaxRPM EOL SeqLabC Rapid OpToolID LatheOffset GearRange EOL SeqLabC IF ConstantSurfaceFeed? CSSOn ' G96' ELSE CSSOff ' G97' END Speed SpinOn EOL Approach ELSE IF SameTool? {.62} {Start new Operation} StockOff DoOpComments IF LAST StraightConnect? CheckOffset CheckRapid SeqLabC StockOnNoCan XSPC ZSPC EOL ELSE CheckRapid IF ApproachOD? IF LAST ApproachOD? SeqLabC LAST XOpECDC EOL ELSE {around} IF LAST ApproachID? SeqLabC LAST XOpECDC EOL END SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC EOL SeqLabC LAST OpExitXCPC EOL END ELSE IF ApproachID? IF LAST ApproachID? SeqLabC LAST XOpECDC EOL ELSE IF LAST ApproachOD? {around} SeqLabC LAST OpExitXCPC EOL END SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC EOL SeqLabC XOpCDC EOL END ELSE {ApproachFace} IF LAST ApproachFace? SeqLabC LAST ZOpECPC EOL ELSE IF LAST ApproachOD? {around} SeqLabC LAST OpExitXCPC EOL ELSE {LAST ApproachID} SeqLabC LAST XOpECDC EOL END SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC EOL END END END CheckOffset ApproachSP END END END END {common point for all operations} IF CannedCycle? StockOff IF Roughing? IF RoughSimple? StockOn SetPass1 IF ApproachFace? SeqLabC LCycle ' Z' FirstMoveEPZ# XatFinZ XTapAtZ FeedRate EOL ELSE SeqLabC LCycle XatFinZ FinZ XTapAtZ FeedRate EOL END SimpleRough ELSE TagInc IF RoughContour? SetPass2 SeqLabC LCycle ' P³' Tag# ' Q²' Tag# XStkLeft ZStkLeft CutDepth FeedRate EOL '>' Tag# EOL SeqLab StepMove StrtPos EOL ToolPath '<' Tag# EOL IF AutoFinish? SeqLabC ' G70' ' P³' Tag# ' Q²' Tag# EOL END ELSE IF RoughPatternShift? SetPass2 SeqLabC LCycle ' P³' Tag# ' Q²' Tag# XStkLeft ZStkLeft XminusU ZminusW NumCuts FeedRate EOL '>' Tag# EOL SeqLab Rapid StrtPos EOL ToolPath '<' Tag# EOL IF AutoFinish? SeqLabC ' G70' ' P³' Tag# ' Q²' Tag# EOL END END END END ELSE IF Threading? IF Chamfer? SeqLabC ' M23' EOL END SeqLabC LCycle XatFinZ FinZ XTapAtZ CutMethod ThrdHeight CutDepth ThrdLead ToolAngle EOL IF AutoFinish? SeqLabC ' G92' XatFinZ FinZ XTapAtZ ThrdLead EOL END IF Chamfer? SeqLabC ' M24' EOL END ELSE IF Drilling? IF Tap? SeqLabC LCycle ZDepth ' E' FeedIPR# EOL SeqLabC SpinOff EOL SeqLabC ' G4 P2000' EOL SeqLabC Speed InverseSpinOn EOL SeqLabC ZSP EOL ELSE IF PeckChipBreaker? SeqLabC LCycle ZDepth RLevel Dwell Peck Retract FeedRate EOL SeqLabC DrillOff EOL IF AutoFinish? SeqLabC Feed ZDepth EOL IF Dwell? SeqLabC ' G4 P' Dwell# EOL END SeqLabC Rapid ZSP EOL END END END ELSE IF Grooving? StockOn SetPass1 SeqLabC StrtPos EOL ToolPath END END END END ELSE StockOn SetPass1 ToolPath IF AutoFinish? IF NOT Drilling? AND NOT Grooving? AND NOT RoughSimple? StockOff IF Turning? SetPass1 RapidC IF ApproachFace? SeqLabC ZOpECPC EOL ELSE SeqLabC XOpECDC EOL END ApproachSP ELSE SetPass2 SeqLabC RapidC StrtPos EOL END ToolPath END END END IF Drilling? AND Tap? SeqLabC SpinOff EOL SeqLabC ' G4 P2000' EOL SeqLabC Speed SpinOn EOL END NextOp {loops back to EachOP until last Operation} {End of program ************************************************************} {finish last operation} StockOff CRCOffC IF CannedCycle? Rapid ELSE IF Threading? Rapid ELSE RapidC END END IF ApproachOD? SeqLabC OpExitXCPC EOL ELSE IF ApproachID? SeqLabC XOpECDC EOL END END SeqLabC OpExitZCPC IF CutOff? ' M74' { part catcher close } END EOL DoEndOpPS SeqLabC ' G28 U0.0 W0.0' OpToolID '00' CoolOff EOL IF ProgStop? SeqLabC ' M00' EOL ELSE SeqLabC ProgStop EOL END SeqLabC SpinOff EOL IF Flag?('2') AND NOT Flag?('3') { Bar Puller Operation } 'N?' EOL {force N number on a line by itself} '( Part Puller )' EOL SeqLabC Preset ' X-14.571 Z8.485' EOL SeqLabC Rapid ' T1010' EOL SeqLabC ' X0.0 Z2.0' EOL SeqLabC ' Z1.0' EOL SeqLabC ' G98' Feed ' Z0.5 F100.' EOL SeqLabC ' M11' EOL SeqLabC ' G04 U2.0' EOL SeqLabC Rapid ' Z' SUB# PartLength# Num#('.36') EOL SeqLabC ' M10' EOL SeqLabC ' G04 U2.0' EOL SeqLabC ' Z4.0' EOL SeqLabC ' G28 U0.0 W0.0 T1000' EOL SeqLabC ProgStop EOL END IF Flag?('2') SeqLabC ' M99 P³0' EOL ELSE SeqLabC EOP EOL END Post EOR EOL Close Retag IF UseComments? SetScale('1') {restore scale for comments} Reopen IF FileBytesComment? '( FILE LENGTH: ' FileBytes# ' CHARACTERS )' EOL END IF FileFeetComment? '( FILE LENGTH: ' FileFeet# ' FEET )' EOL END IF FileMetersComment? '( FILE LENGTH: ' FileMeters# ' METERS )' EOL END Close END


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