Renata Konieczna-Woźniak Adult leaming through leisure time interests
Aleksandra Li taw a
Amateur choir as a space of adults leaming ................................................... 125
Anetta P ereświ et-Soltan
Tutoring as an important leaming space for adults......................................... 137
Dorota Gier szew s ki
Martyna Pryszmont-Ciesielska
Matemity from the perspective of women entering scientific-didactic
Tomasz Ma li szew s ki
John A. Henschke
A perspective on the history and philosophy of andragogy:
Krystyna Pies kot-Makulska
Basic literacy as a significant area of adult education in the United States .... 237 REVIEW
Zuzanna Glanc
M. Sulik - Women in science. Subjective and socio-cultural determinants ... 251 REPORT
Anna W a luli k
XIII Summer School of Young Andragogoues and Advisers
(16-19 May 2009, Wrocław) .......................................................................... 255