“IIIRA proudly announces the lauitch of much awaited training programs on counseling psychology.”
Higher Diploma -
(On Saturdays and two Sundaya per month)
Course Fee : LKR 120,000 Duration: One Year Diploma -
(On Saturdayt and turo Sundayt per month)
Course Fee : LKR 100,000 Duration: One Year
(Payment can be madę In two łnstaUments)
Medium : Sinhala
r Application Closing Datę : 22nd September 2020
0112- 503 393 / 077-518 89 89
Institute oflluman Rcsource Advancement Univer»ity of Colombo.
No: 275. Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07.
Application Fec “ LKR 1,000/-
Entry Qualifications for Diploma
(i) possesses at least one of the following academic qualifkations;
(a) Has passcd GCE (A/L), (four (4) passes in old syllabus or thrce (3) passes in new syllabus|
(b) Has complctcd a foundation programmc cquivalcnt to GCE (A/L)
(c) Has passcd GCE (O/l.) with accrcditcd work experience or accredifed prtor It-arning followed by j relev.ini prugramme of itiiniintini of 30 credits
(ii) has dcmonstratcd compctcncc in the rclcvant field and potential for futurę carecr dcvclopmcnt;
(iii) has a good working knowlcdgc of language of instruction of the Diploma programmc.
Entry Qualifications for Higher Diploma
A candidatc who has satitficd I, ii, and iii of entry qualifkations of diploma given above and has completed a minimum of 30 credits at diploma lcvcf or cquivalent work expcrience is cligible to apply for Higher Diploma in Counseling Psychology.
Application form should be submitted online, Please log into www.ihra.cmb.ac.lk to find the link to online application.
Before submitting the application, please make surę that you have madę the application fec using the vouchcr that can be downloadcd from the same website and altach a copy of it in the right place of the application. Oncc submitted please kccp a copy of application for your reference.