OHYEAK P.S.: Tho prossmg into kr m® SLAPSHOT / SOME KINO OF HATE wn>1 .*


Anothor fow monlfis, another batch o( BO pro^ordor®. Hor® aro lho 8LAPSHOT 'Digital Worforo" and SOME KINO OF HATE -UnflUwiteo' luli length LPł And * you ordorod both. you gol a SLAPSHOT *N®w England ProducT Donu® EP (#31) whCh I® tmrted to 800 coplos ®v®r. for FREE. That was me third bonus EPand woVegot mor® llnodupiór mld-2004 (a bunch. actuały) so II should bo worth ohocklng out In the futuro. Th® SLAPSHOT 12’ la utrat m® hold-up wa® ov®r ■ the płace that mostored tlvo odginał toit proasngs mado it sound nil muddy. whfoh w® woro not into, and when lhoy cUtmod that It wa® tho bosi thoy could do. w® nad to bdng it to • now mostorlng houno (Atudrartt) and woro much hnpplor wtm tho rosulls. W0’re probobły gołng to bo ooiwłng th®m moot ol our aluff from now on woli Both of thoso racords aro groal so 1 thł® is me first limo haorlng thetn, l'm sorry lor tho delay and hops it wa® worth your wait Thi® spring ha® been pratty hectic at B9. wo’w> bo®n bullding up our own silkscreen shop. so that we can start doirtg al of our own moich in-how®* Ezra and Konn Twofour from Atlanta were recruHed through Jetf and lhoy movod up horo In January In the bittor norlh aast cold and h«p®d organlze what we're going to nead, so that Moren

I    at, wh®n w® gol tho now spać® (right next to tho 09 spao®

• oonvonlont) we could start j--------------------------

bullding it up. W®|ustgota now 8 alntion manuał al* hoads-down proso and an

II    toot dryor to bool ®o w® should be up and runnlng In Aprlt Tlłon w® can mak® our own morch as wo need It, and avold dolays in ordom, olc.. And hopefully havre tono of cMloront merch In stock at aU «m®® Koep checking bndg®9 com for n®w sajT

Other tang* ki tho ma. .

Our noxt batch ol pr®-ordor® wfl be going up on bddgag com as aoon aa afl ol Mm pce-orders haw® | sfśppod • so chock tor thoso too TM® tma if® 3 naw r rdnyt Maasaa. and Bonus r®4 Frafy. M OlVE UP THE OHOST •Y®a> On«*«fl be ®«MOH iMHMJi. a® a 2«r gnklt r®t®as®. Ala® ki In® i® to® *tour CtoMOl En®m®C* EP kom THE DISTANCE. O® wa® as a 7*Mngt® Iłom RAMALIAH. Ordor ak 3. and g®t the bonus. V/o ro mooang tor a tao® May r®l®as® lor m®a® to go out and ahoMd 6® abto to M t tfM limo. things aro way mor® in ordor and tess ar® In tor two of them so lor. should have the 3rd any day now

Otlwt utuli to get psychod on (aka up noxt after m®s®» OUTBREAK 10 song r & 20* song CO FORTHEWORSE 11 ®ongr«nd 15* song CD CHAMPION 3 song T (1 Irom the LP. ona borna, on® cooar song)

and ANOER REGIMENT EP (*'Roorpunch) and then for thls summor:



WRECKING CREW 20* song CD (Liv® and Rare)

THE TROUBLE 2xCO <llv® and Rare)

PROJECT X -Straight Edg® R®venge* CO (Flnalyl)

A POOR EXCUSE “Dlsoography- CD

BRIOGE NINĘ: Th® First FourYears (Flr®t 4 EP'® on one


BRIOOE NINĘ: SO - 2xCD. 5*7_ bo* set

Not to mention CO re-mloosos of both CHAMPION EP“s on on® Ml length CO (Time Slip® Away) and PANIC (EP® going out of pros®. CO will have «xt®nded llner noto® and never boforo printed photograph®...) So. things ar® going to get pratty busy. Thanks for ccntinuróg to chsck out B9's reloases. lho vlnyl we’ve go* lirted up tor 2004 should b® IntereeOng to say m®ł®asl I Ihink w® have at LEAST 5 moro bonus 7* EP’s llnod up through the summor so Ook for mor® Into as those bacom# available, as always. the/l be llmltod to 800 copies.

SLAPSHOT; 300 black / 700 gofd (Brulns. duh)

SOSIE KM) OF HATE: 300 purpte. 700 wMto

About250or®ow®nttop>® ord®r® (of m® rar® cołor)aS®r to® band® got too® eopto®. ®se ®o E    Ent com®. lot asruof


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