Ważniejsze referaty wygłoszone na konferencjach naukowych:
Researching Gender, Researching Europę (wspólnie z Aniką Keinz). Konferencja: Anthropology of Europę: what is it and how should it be practiced? European Association of Social Anthropologists, Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UAM, 15-16.10.2009.
Distrust. Negotiating women ’s agency within a fundamentalist Catholic milieu in Poland. Konferencja: Experiencing Diversity and Mutuality, European Association of Social Anthropologists, Lubiana, Słowenia, 26-30.08.2008.
'Power of silence’ alternative spińtuality and women's identities in Poland, w ramach współprowadzanego z Jill Owczarzak (University of Kentucky) warsztatu, Westernising gender regimes? Discourses and practices in Eastem Europę. Konferencja: Europę and the World, European Association of Social Anthropologist, Bristol, Wielka Brytania, 18-21.09.2006.
Spiritualising Motherhood. Gender Related Practices of the Polish Members and Sympathisers ofthe Brahma Kumaris. Konferecja: Development of the New Spińtuality in the Monocultural and Pluralistic Societies, Katedra Socjologii i Antropologii Społecznej AGH i Instytut Religioznawstwa UJ, Kraków, 6-11.06.2006.
Building a new paradise. The Brahma Kumaris movement in postsocialist Poland. The Fifth Nordic Conference on the Anthropology of Post-Socialism, Uncertainty and Freedom -Second-generation Change in the Postsocialist World, Department of Social Anthropology, the University of Oslo & Nordic-and East/Central European NetWork for Qualitative Social Research (NECEN), Sundvollen, Norwegia, 21-24.04.2005.
Re-thinking woman. New spińtuality and female religious leadership. Konferencja: Religion and Gender, British Sociological Association, Sociology of Religion Study Group, Lancaster University, 11-13.04.05.
Healing Practices Among Members of Altemative Spiritual Communities in Poland. Konferencja: Face to Face. Connecting distance and proximity, European Association of Social Anthropologist, Wiedeń, 8-12.09.04.
Brahma Kumaris - kobieca kontrkultura. Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Religioznawczego, Religioznawstwo Polskie w XXI wieku, Tyczyn, 18-20.09.03
The Shakti Power for Better World. On Activity of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. XV kongres International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Humankind/Nature Interaction: Past, Present And Futurę, sesja Commission on the Anthropology of Women: Global Apartheid, Environmental Degradation & Women's Actions for Sustainable Well-Being, Florencja, lipiec 2003.
On celibate marriages: the Polish Catholics’ encounter with Hindu spińtuality. Konferencja: On the Margins of Religion, Halle, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, organizatorzy: Chris Hann, Joao de Pina-Cabral, Frances Pine, 15-17.05.03.
New Religions and Strategies of Dealing with Accusations: The Case of Brahma Kumaris in Poland. Konferecja Religion and Democracy: an Exchange of Experiences Between East And West, organizatorzy: CESNUR (Centrum Studiów nad Nowymi Religiami z siedzibą w Turynie) i Uniwersytet Wileński, 9-12.04.03.