claras, Carbofuran or aldicarb gave best nematode control; carbofuran in addition gave greatest lncrease in malze yield (19% increase over Controls). (1 feddan - 0.42 ha).

*0080 DISANZO, C.P. Effect of foliar appll-catlcm of carbofuran and a related compound on plant-parasltlc nematodes under mlcro-plot and field conditions. Journal of Nematology (1982) 14 (2) 208-212 [En, 15 ref.] FMC Corp., 100 Nlagara St., Middleport, NY 14105, USA.

Foliar appllcatlons of carbofuran or its analogue FMC 3500 (2,400 micrograms/ml) to maize or potato slgnlflcantly reduced populations of Pratylenchus penetrans in roote and Tylenchorhynchus claytonlXlphlnema amerlcanuiD and Hoplolalmus sp. in soli. GeneralTy there was ńo dTFference between 2 or 3 applications.

0 08 1 BIRD, A.F., KILLN, J.P. The growth of Meloldogyne jayanlca in sonie Australian natlve plants. Search (1979) 10 (1/2) 48-50 (En, 7 ref.] CSIRO, Div., of Hort. Res., Box 350 GPC, Adelalde, SA 5001, Australia.

Sixteen Australian plants were tested for susceptlblllty to M. jayanlca. The follow-ing were good hosts :*Alblzżla dlstachya.

pelanoxylon. Alyogyne hakelfolla, Hlbiscus trlonup.^Sida rhombtfolla, Lyclum australe and Solarium laclnlatmn. The growth rates of M7 javanlca on tooato, S. łacin i a tum and H. trionum were compared and 8hown to“ be 'simłlar." The heat factor required for development from lst-stage juveniles to egg-laylng females on S. łacinlaturo was 13 018 centigrade-hours for M jayanlca and 13 560 for M. Incognlta.

*0082 DISaNZO, C. P. Etfect of foliar applicatioa of ■Carbofuran and a related compound on pLant-parasitic oematodes under greenhouse and growth ch&mber conditions. Journal of Nematology (1981) 13 (1) 20-24 (En, 8 ref.) FMC Corpn Agric. Chemical Group, 100 Niagara St., Middleport, NY 14105. USA.

Foliar application of carbofuran at 2400 or 4800 ppm and FMC 35001 at 2400 ppm reduced root galling on tomatoes by Meloidogyne incognito. Reduction was greatest at the higher ratę and wbrn inoculation of M. incognito was delayed up to 11 days after foliar application. On tobacco, repeated foliar applications of carbofuran at 2400 ppm inereased perceniage control. Carbofuran at 1200 ppm controlied Pratylenchus pcncirans on pea though repeated applications inereased the efTectiveness of control. Tyie:,::horbynchus claytoni on mat2e and tobacco was cont:c'Ued by foliar applications of FMC 35001 at 2400 ppm and carbofuran and oxamył at 1200 and 2400 ppm. Perceniage control of P. penetrans on pea by carbofuran at 1200 ppm was gjeater than T. clayioni on either maize or tobacco

00 8 3 Nesmith, W. c. (Ediior) Rcsults of 1980. Raleigh, NC, USA; American Phytopathologica! Society. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (1981) 36, 229 pp. (En]

Plant Path. Dcp., S-305 Ag.Sci. Bldg. -Nonh’ Untv. of Kentucky, Lcxington, KY 40546, USA.

(16991 Dunn, R. (Section Editor) Nematicides. 179-191 [En] Ncmatol. Lab., Univ. Florida, Gainesvil!e, FL 32611, USA.

Evaluations were: Temik against Pratylenchus penetrans on Phaseolus vulgaris\ RH 9358, Counter and Temik against Heterodera schachtii on sugar beel; Terr-O-Gas and Mocap against nematodes on cucumber and pepper; Temik, Mocap, 100

Vydate, bAS 26JU41, 1 hintet, against P. penetrans ón potato: Telone, D-D, Soilbrom, Vaparn, Nemacur, Yydatc. Mocap, Temik, Furadan and Agrainine against Mcloidogyne hapla and M. chitwoodi on potato; Dasanit, Furadan, Counter, Temik, BAS 263021, Mocap, Terr-O-Cide and Nemacur against Rotylenchulus reniformis on Ipo mocą batatas. Dasanit, Vorlcx and Dowfume mc-2 against M. incognito on tomato; Counter, Dyfonate, Vydate, Temik, Furadan and Mocap against Pratylenchus on maize; Furadan and Counter against BeJonolaimus longicaudatus on • maize; Nemacur, Soilbrom, RH 9358, Furadan, Vydate, D-D, Telone, Temik and Mocap against Hoplolaimus Columbus on cotton; Nemacur, Furadan, Vydatc, Mocap, Soilbrom, Terr-O-Cide, BAS 263, Temik and Counter against M. hapla and Macroposthonia on Arachis hypogaea, D-D, Soilbrom, Telone, RH 9358, Yydate, Nemacur, Mocap, Furadan, Temik, FMC 35001, Dyfonate, BAS 263021 and Counter against H. columbus on soybcan; Temik, Vydate, Counter, Furadan, Nemacur and Dyfonate against Heterodera g/ycines on soybean; L-676863, L-676897,    L-642126, Nemacur,

Mocap, RH 9358, BASF 263, Vydate and Nemacur + Dasanit against M. incognita on tobacco; Nemacur, Nemacur + Dasanit, Yydate, Mocap and Furadan against M. arenaria on tobacco; Nemadi, EDO and Fumazone against H. avenaę on whc./.; Standak, AC 64475, Temik, Nemacur, Mocap, Vydate, FMC 35001, DBCP. EDB and D-D against Helicotylenchus multicinctus on banana.

008 4 KlindiC. O.; PetroviC, D.; BumbiC. K.: 0EUO. J. [lnvestigation of the resistance of some imported varieties of alfaifa to tbe domestic populations of stem nematode and of tobacco to root-knot nematode.] Ispitivanje otpomosti nekih introdukovanih sorata lucerkc prema domaćim populacijama stabljikine nematode i duhana prema nematodama korijenovih guka. Zaśtita Bilja (1978) 29 (4) 381-385 [Cr, en. 4 ref.] Zavod za ratarstvo. Sarajevo, Yugoslavia.

Dityłenchus dipsaci presents a senous problem to alfalfa growing and Mcloidogyne spp. to tobacco plantacions in Bośnia and Hercegovina in Yugoslavia. 5 imported varieties of alfaifa were tested in inoculation and field e.speriments and unlike the locally grown varieties, the Swedish variety U-0640 and the American varicty ApaJachee showed high degrees of resistance to local populations of D. dispaci. The American tobacco variety NC-95 provcd highiy resistant to local populations of M. incognita (but not to M. arenaria and M. javanica which also occur in mixed Mcloidogyne populations in Hercegovina). The resistance was successfully transferred to the Fi generation. obtained by Crossing NC-95 with the susceptible domestic vaneties Scginovac and Visoki Hercegovac (YH-32).

# 0085 JaFTEE. B. A.    Influence of rooi Diomass od

mimbcr of Pratylenchus penetrans within host roou. Phytopathology (1980) 70 (12) 1214-1216 [En. 10 ref ] Dep. of Plant Path., Comell Univ.. Ithaca. NY 14353. USA.

One. 2. 6 or 12 luceme seeds were plantcd in 120 cm* ioamy sand. 2 days later. 750 Pratylenchus penetrjns were jddcd to the centre. one cm frora eacb seedling. Afler 4 days. seedlings were removed and nematodes were er.tracted from the roots. Othcr seeds were plantcd in pots already infested wiih P. penetrans and root e.stracts were madę after 6 days. Nematodes recovered per bcaker were linearly related to root weiaht per beaker and conver$ely nematodes recovered per gram of roots were inversely cotrelated with root weight (r = -0.92. slope = -0.71 sigrtificant at 0.15£ for the inoculation e.sperimem). Rełevance of these results in fieid situations is discussed.

0 0 86 RlGGS. R. D. Cover crops and soybean cyst nematode. Arkansas Farm Research (1980) 29 (6) 16 (En) Azric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Arkansas. Favettevi]le. AR 72701, USA.

The suitability of cover crops Cor culttva<ion in Arkansas. USA between soybeans as possible hosts for Heterodera glycines (race 3 or 4) is reviewcd. Various collections of Vicia yillosa, V. sativa. V. dasycarpa, various cercals and


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