dihystcra and 1.2 Trichodorus chństid with no P. scribneri ot larvae of M. incognito. Th esc data show that pigeon peas are a good host for a number of ecto- and endoparasitic nematode species. Even though no galling reaction from M. incognito was observed, the nematode may be able to rcproducc in this host.

0 2 04 DECKER, H.; El*Amin, E. T. M. [Paratropburus kenanae njp. (Nematoda: Trophurinae) from the Democrafie Republic of Sudan.] Paratropburus kenanae n.sp. (Nematoda: Trophurinae) aus der D.R. Sudan. In Vortragstogung (4) zu aktuełlen Problemen der Phytonematologie am 8.6.1978 in Rostock. Manuskriptdruck der Vortrage. BioJogische Gesellschaft der DDR, Sektion Pbytopatbologie und Wilhchn-Picck-Univcrsitot, Rostock . . . Rostock, DDR;. (1978)    89-95 (De, en] Sektion Meliorationswescn &

Pflanzenproduktion der Wilhelm-Pieck-Universitat. Rostock. 25 Rostock, Satowcr Str. 48, DDR.

A description i$ givcn of the małe and female of Paratropburus kenanae sp.n. found in 1977 in acacia forest (Acacia seyaJ and A. fistuJa) near Kenana research station in Blue Nile province, Sudan. The nematode has a rclatively short and often claviform taił the finał third of which is included in the thick hyaline cuticle. It is similar to P. crassicaudatus and P. clavicaudatus, but is distinguished from both by tht non-annulated head and greater bodv-length. and from P. crassicaudatus aiso by the lower c vaiue and the morę posteriorly placed phasmid" and from P. clavicaudatus by the smootb tai! terminus and smali er number of ca udał annules. P. kenanae was the dominant species among soil-inhabiting nematodes. As regards the other two species of the genus known from the Sudan, namely P. lobatus and P. sudanensis, the inve$tigation of 1977 confirmed that P. lobatus is the morę widespread, it again having been found in several provinces, although not in very high numbers. Characters are given distinguishing P. kenanae from these species.

0 2 0 5 Castillo, M. B.; Litsinger, J. A. Plant parasitic nematodes of mongbean in Philippines. In The lst

Internationa] mungbcan symposium (2). Taiwan; Asian Vegetable Research and Developmcnt Center. (1978) 195-200 [En] Dep. PI. Path., Coli. Agric., UPLB, Laguna, Philippines. From Plant Breeding Abstracts 48, 11093, 11100.

Of many hundred mungbcan [Phaseolus mungo] lines, including local varieties and foreign introductions, tested for resistance to nematodes in the Philippines. only one, a multifołiate mutant, was resistant. This mutant showed some resistance to Meloidogyne acrito, M. incognito and Af. javanica but was susceptible to M. arenaria.

0 2 06 Guy, P. [Im pro ring the resistance of lucerne to its plant and animal enemie*.] L'aroelioration de la luzeme pour la resistance k ses ennemis vegetaux et animaux. Fourrages (1975) No. 64, 19-34 [Fr] Station d*Amelioration des Plantes Fourrageres, INRA, 866CO Lusignan, France.

In the northem half of France Ditylencbus dipsaci causes damage to lucerne in spring; in some Southern seed producing zones the seed is hearily contaminated. The genetic aspects of resistance are briefly discussed; the only available resistant variety is Vertus.

Penetration by both species was preferably in the root hair region: P. brachyurus also penetrated at the root rip.

0 2 08 Reed, B. M.; Richardson, P. E; Russell, C. C. Histological and cytolog!cal effects of an alfalfa-nematode interaction. 69th Ann. Meet., E. Lansing, Michigan, 14-18 Aug. 1977. Abstract No. 191. Procecdings of the American Phytopathological Society (1977, publ. 1978) 4, 123-124 [En] School of Biol. Sci., Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK 74074, USA.

Buffalo and Washoe cultivars of alfalfa were found to have lignified celi walls surrounding the large carities fonned by Ditylencbus dipsaci. Large areas of tissue des truć ti on were found in these galied areas and cells with dense cytoplasm were abundant near the edges of the carities. Washoe, resistant cultivar, infested with the nematode formed smali er carities within the gali than did the susceptible cultivar Buffalo. Fewer cells with dense cytoplasm and cells with very hearily lignified walls surrounded the carities in the resistant Washoe variety. Infiicting mechanical injury upon the two cultWars caused greater lignification around wounds in Washoe than Buffalo. No ceUs with granular cytoplasm were found in either case with mechanical injury. Yisible light microspectrophotometry indicated inereased DNA content in the dense cells of both cułtivars with the response varying with datę of infection and cultivar.

* u 2 o u Suzuki, M.; Willis, C. B. Fluorescence ln alfalfa roots as influenced by infestation with root leskm nematodes.

In Procecdings of the 12th Internationa] Grasslands Congress Volume 1 (Part 2). (1974) 538-545 [En] Res. Sta., Agric. Canada Charlottetown, Punce Edward Island, Canada.

The response of Medicago sativa to infestation with Pratylencbus penetrans has been investigated. Dry matter decreased in hearily infested plants. To tal nitrogen did not change and total available carbohydrate was only siftnificantly lower in tap roots of hearily infested plants. Ln aJJ infested plants, even when root necrosis could not be detected, the characteristic blue fluorescence of tap roots was rcplaced by a yellow-green fluorescence restricted to the central cylinder of the root. It is suggested that this could be used as a diagnostic factor, for root lesion nematode infestation.

*0210 Townshend, J. L.; Potter, J. W. Yield losses among forage legnmes Infected with Meloidogyne tapla. Canadian Journal of Plant Science (1978) 58 (4) 939-943 [En, fr] Agric. Canada Res. Station, Yineland Station, Ontario LOR 2E0, Canada.

A microplot experiment was designed to measure yield losses of Medicago sativa, Lotus comiculatus, Trifolium pratense and T. repens inoculated with Meloidogyne hapla at 0, 4,000 and 24,000 nematodesAg soil. At the higher inoculum level seeding establishment was 80 and 50% of the contro! for M. sativa and the other species, respectively. Dry weight was reduced in proportion to inereasing inoculum density, up to 76% in Trifolium spp. and 24% in M. sativa. The dry weight values were also reduced in the 2nd year but then there were no differences between inoculum levels. Stern ienpth was decreased in infested plants of T. pratense and M. sativa.

0207 Olowe, T. Histological changes in maize root indoced by Pratylencbus bracbyurus and P. zeae in the ahsence of other mioro-organisms. Nigerian Journal of Plant Jtiotection (1977) 3, 41-51 [En] National Cereals Res. Inst, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Monoxenic maize root cultures were inoculated with Pratylencbus bracbyurus and P. zeae. Necrosis was seen in the roots infested with P. bracbyurus after 1 week but only after 1 month in the P. zeae-infested roots. The nematodes caused mechanical breakage of cells and necrosis in both cortical and stelar tissues and carities were formed in the tissues. P bracbyurus caused less mechanical damage but morę necrosis than P. zeae. Metaxylexn vessels were penetrated. P. zeae also fed on lateral root initials.

0 211 KUTHE, K.; Rossner, J. [Usc of pestiddes against plant-parasitlc nematodes to ensure yields of maize.] Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzpraparaten gegen Phytonematoden zur Ertragssicherung ba Mais. Anzdger fur SchadJingskunde J>flanzenschutz Umweltschutz (1978) 51 (7) 102-107 [De, en) Inst. fur Phytopath. der Univ., Ludwigstrasse 23, 6300 Giessen, G.F.R.

In field esperiments in Hesse, G.F.R., Pratylencbus spp. (mainly P. neglectus) and Heterodera avenae were controlled in maize by the use of nematicides. Carbofuran as Curaterr G at 1.0 or 1.25 g/m in the row or as Curaterr SK at 0.15 ml/ ha gave at least 90% control of Pratylencbus: thiofanox as Dacamox 10G at 0.75 g/m was 78 to 98% efFicicnt and terbufos (Counter 2G) at 1.25 g/m gave 95% control as 114 compared with untreated plots. Control of H. avenae was


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