Section talks II - room 002
Chairman: Lino F. Resendis Ocampo
11.45 Klaus Schiefermayr: The Bernstein-Walsh Inequality Revisited
12.15 David Kalaj: Deformations of Annuli on Riemann surfaces and the generalization of Nitsche conjecture
12.45 Ya§ar Polatoglu and Asena ęetinkaya: q— harmonie mappings for which analytic part q— convex functions of complez order
13.15 Armen Grigoryan: On Rouche’s type theorem for continuous functions
Section talks III - room 105
Chairman: Jarosław Kapeluszny
11.20 11.45 Fahreddin G. Abdullayev, Giilnare A. Abdullayev: On the interfe-
rence conditions of the weight function and contour for orthogonal polynomials
11.50 12.15 Fahreddin G. Abdullayev, Pelin Ozkartepe: On the conuergence of
the some extremal polynomials in domains with exterior and interior zero angles
Plenary lecture - room 007
Chairman: David Shoikhet
14.00 14.50 Stanisława Kanas: Classes of harmonie functions with fixed analytic
Section talks I room 007
Chairman: Matti Vuorinen
15.00 15.25 Toshiyuki Sugawa: Successiue coefficients of convex functions on
the unit disk
15.30 - 15.45 Ikkei Hotta: Linearly accessibility by flows associated with Loew-ner’s equations
15.50 - 16.05 Sineenuch Suwannaphichat: Extremal problems related to convexity
Podobne podstrony:
Section talks II - room 002Chairman: Andńy Zagorodnyuk 15.00 15.25 15.30 - 15.45 1Section talks II - room 002Chairman: Antoni Pierzchalski 11.20 11.50 12.20 12.50 11.45skanuj0016 (59) Iłili I » »ł IMi *i u-t ii uli; nnfirma projekt Kolokwium / II części ćwiczeń Podstaw Inżynierii Oprogramowania 1. 11 phi) klon z podafranc008 10 ARTICLES sentier est entre dans un bois de chataigniers. 10. II a du faire tomber une ch218 ZWINISLAWA (m. MSZCZP.J Ii: A XXA: X. X.: WL< IDZISLAW O DONIC. l
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