WYDZIAŁ CHEMICZNY POLITECHNIKI GDAŃSKIEJ Kierunek Ochrona Środowiska w języku angielskim

Subjcct name


Department Person responsible:

Subjects required prior to this course:    Prerequisites:

Mathematics s.I, s.II    Working knowledge of basie mathematics (arithmetic

and trigonometry)

Aims of the course:

The primary concern of Mathematics 1 is with basie mathematical ideas and techniques, enabling students to master standard topics in basie arithmetic. algebra, geometry', trigonometry and theory of the fimetions of one variable and build up confidence with mathematics to make foundation for morę advanced work in

technical applications._

Teaching methods:

Lectures are delivered in a mixed system, utilizing both an overhead or a multimedia projector and the blackboard; respective lecture notes are published in advance in the Internet.

Classes are devoted to problems solying._

Program contents:

Infmite series

A necessary' condition for convergence of a series Series with nonnegative terms Absolute convergence

Altemating series and conditional convergence Functions of two variables and their dcrivatives Limits and continuity Partial derivatives Applications of partial derivatives Multiple integrals Double integrals Triple integrals Differential Equations

First order differential eąuations - separable equations, homogeneous equations, linear equations (the method of variation of parameter and the method undetermined coefficients)

Second order differential equations with constant coefficients - the characteristic eąuation, the method of

yąriation of parameters and the method undetermined coefficients_

Basic and supplementary literaturę:

•    Lecture notes, text problems and laboratory instruction manuals published on Gdańsk University of Technology course management system Moodlc: http://www.moodle.pg.gda.pl/course/view.php?id=95

•    Ewa Łobos, Beata Sikora "Calculus and differential equations in exercises” Gliwice 2006 WPS


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WYDZIAŁ CHEMICZNY POLITECHNIKI GDAŃSKIEJ Kierunek Ochrona Środowiska w języku angielskim Details of
WYDZIAŁ CHEMICZNY POLITECHNIKI GDAŃSKIEJ Kierunek Ochrona Środowiska w języku angielskim Nazwa
WYDZIAŁ CHEMICZNY POLITECHNIKI GDAŃSKIEJ Kierunek Ochrona Środowiska w języku angielskim E. Mieloszy
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