Britańn—but not by Soviet Russia—is unhappily trały indicative o£ the policy of liquidation and suppression advocated by Communists for all Christian coimtries.
To the people of an Empire which vo1untarily went to War to honour its Pledge “to defend Roland against aggression" the decision reached at Yalta by representatives of the peoples of the U.S.A., Great Britain and the U.S.S.R.—without the consent of or prior consultation with the Polish Govemment—has come as a blow between the eyes.
Now, without lawful authority, excnse or reason, it is proposed that one half of Polish territory, should be handed over to the enemies of Christianity. and that a group of individuajs—selected as suit-ablc for implcmenting the designs of their cynical employers and self-styfcd as the New Provisional Govemment of Poland—should, with Britain's consent and approval, bo placed in charge of the liwes and destiny of the r>eople of Poland. But yester-day, it seems, the whole British Empire, in nti uncer-tain tenns, denouuced tliis body. To-day, igporing the feelings of our people, His Majesty's Gabinet proposes to foist upon our Polish Ally a l>rancl of Governirient better known as “Swindle Democracy.'’ In the light of our solemn obligations to Poland our part in this inglorious chaptcr of the War will for-ever appear as a gross betrayal of a ti usting friend and faithful Ally.
It may be suggested by some that this is a mat ter in which we have no interest but which is the sole