fiHiopu the Mppf ofństc authnr.n- under fbe Federal Aa. ihall suppfy i tu Tn Kinal as %uon a» possible w iih aii the eifft.-manon arj auistlfk*c U may mej lot the pertorm-mcc of ics furut^jni.

4. The seat of the Tribunal shall be in Eńtrea. The Tribunal shall Jctcrmir.c its own procedurę. .AU requcsts rrferred to in paragraph 1 of tlus aniele shall be presented to the Tribunal not bter thanJl Deccmber W53andthe Tribunal shab pronoun.e its dcci won on each such rc-quest within a Jclay not cxvc<ding two years from the Jatę of its prcxntation to the Triboful As soon as ks

drsiisions havc been pronounced on xi% sueh requa:s puisuanc to the foregoing. the Tribunal shaU tcrminatc. It Oull atTord to che interesieJ paaics an opponunity io p:%wnt ihiif ńcM. and shaM be entitled io iequest infor-mauon and cridcncc which i: may rcquirc from any authority* or person whocn it considers to be in a posteion to fumi>h it. In ehe absence of urunimiry the Tnbunal shaU take decisions by a maioriry voic. Its dccisions shall be finał anJ binding.

366ih plenery meetmp.

29/amury J9S2

Document 9

Finał report of the United Nations Conwńssioner in Eritrca (exccrpt) A/2IS8,17 Oaobcr 1952

Power for public purpości in Erirrra u Kich U vabd under the wił li w o( Eritrca.

Anide IX

1.    Theforrr.er Italian mtionils be longing to Eri:rc« shaB concinuc co enjoy ill ckc rights in industrial. liter ary ind artiidc properry in Italy to which they wert eniitled under th: legisbtion in jorce it the time o i the coming into lorce of the Traty oi rei cc.

2.    Until che rclevim intcnurionil con\tntions irc ippbciblc to Ericrca the righis in industriil, liteciry ind irtiMic properry which existcd in Eritrca under luliin Uw shall remiin in lorce lor the period lo: which they would hivc rcnuincd in lorce under thit Uw.

Anicie X

I. In this aniele:

U) "Concession* means i grant by the form er ltiliin administrarion or by the Adminisiaing Power or by i munidpil authoricy of the cnjoymeat in Eriaci of spcrific rights md asscts in cxchinge for ipcdfic obli gaci oni undertaken by the conccssionaire wrich regard to the usc md improYcment of such astm, such grant being rnade in accordince with the law*, regulańoiu and rulet, in lorce in Eritrei it the rime ol such grant;

(b) "Contract in the naturę of a concession* means a lease for a period of years by the former Italian admin;-stration or by the Admiaistering Power or by a munidpil authority of land in Eritrca by the terma of which Itace tKc cenant undertakes bbligaricns aimilar to thosc ol a concessioniirc in the case of a concession, vuch Iok not being madę under any spccific law, rcgulacion or rule conuioing provisionc for cuch kun.

2.    Conccs&ioos granred during the period of the fonner Italian adminisrration shall be rccognittd at valid for all pur po ccc and shall be rcspcacd aocordtngly.

3.    Where a concessionairc uiitfici the appropriate authorities that a document of tale perfectirg his conces-won should havc been issued to Kira but, owing to coo-dióons aeattd by the tutę of war or to fotce ntjjeure, was not so issued, and that his conccssioo, if it had been pet kac d by the issuc oI the document, would not be Kable to ievocadcn, the appropriate authorities shall isSue a document ol tale to the conccssionaire which shali have the same yalidity as the document which should havc been issued origirully.

4.    Where the period of lease, in the case of a contract in the naturę of a cooceuion grineed during the period of the forrr.er Italian adrainistracion, has cxp«rcd during the period of administration by the Admirmtcring Power and has been renewed on a tempera ry basis by the Administering Power, or where any lease of tuch naturę has been imctally granced by the

Administcring Power, sech Power may. il satisńed that the tenant his tulftlled the oblipnons undertaken by Kim and that it is in the tnter csu of the e eon omy of Kntrea %o to do, grant to the tenant a concession for such period at is appropriate ha ring regard to the naturę of the land in ąuestion.

5. A concession or contract in the naturę of a concession gramed during the period of the fornur Italian administrarion shall not be liable to revocat»on by reason of the faiWre by the concessionairc or tenant to fulfil any obligation of the concession or contract if the appropriate authorities arc satiified that such failurc was duc solely to condiriont created by the sute of war or to forte mejeure.

4. Where a concessionairc or tenani satitńes the appropriaie authorities that any document of riclc «vi-denetng his concession or contract in the naturę of a concession has been lost or desu o)ed and the appropriate authorities arc a We to asceruin the ternu of the document and arc satiified that the concession or com/act in the naturę of a concession is noc liable to revocation, they shall issuc to the concestionaire or tenint a ncw docu-roeflt of óóc which shall ha ve the same vaBdóy as the one which bas been lost or desuoyed.

* Artidt XI :

I. A United Nations Tribunal shall be set up.com-posed of three persons selected by the Sccreury-Central lot theii legii quaUfiearioąs (tom the rudonals ol three different States not dircctly interested. All or any ol such penons may be members ol the Ttibunal proridcd lor ia aniele X of rcsolution 3S8 (V) of the General Assemhly of the Unked Nations. The Tribunal, wbose dccisions shall be based on Uw, shall have the two foUowing functions:

(a)    It shall girę to Italy and the Admin istci mg Power, or when Eritrca bccomes an auconomcus unit federated wóh Ethiopia the appropriate authority under the Federal Aa, upon request by any of thosc authorities, such instructloos as may be rcquircd for the purposc of giring cffect to the present rcsolution;

(b)    I( shaU dccidc all disputes arising berwcen the said authorities conccrning the intcrpccuuon and appb-cation of the present rcsolution. The Tribunal shall be seiied of any such disputes upon the unibtcral rcquest of any of thosc authorities.

2.    The Tribunal shaU have cxdusWc compcience on maners faliing within its functions m accocdanee w»th patagraph 1 of this aniele. In the evem of any maner in dispute being rcfcrted to the Tribunal, any aaion pending in rińl courts shal be suspended.

3.    Italy, the Administcring Power and, when Erittea bccomes an autonocnous unit federated with

I have the hooour to transmit herewith the finał report on my miision for consiicration b>* the General Astcmbly at iu sevench rcgular session.

The report ts submitted in accordince* writh paragraph 15 of rcsolution 390 A (V) of 2 Deccmber 1950. U which lays down that the United Nations Commissioocr shall make appropriate repom to the General Asscmbly of the.Unked Nations conccrning the diwharge of his functions and that when the transfer of authority has been compktcd, he shall so report to che Genfrai Asscmbly and submit to ic th; teat of the E/itrean Constimtion.

This report, which contains a generał account of the . mission*ft w ork, supplcments the tępot t submitted to the General Asscmbly at k$ sixth regular session in docu-mems A/1959 and A/1959/Add.l. Since the latter tepoet was submintd, the following generał dcvdopmems have . taken place.

The main item of tbe Cocnmiuioner's terms ol i rcfcrcnce under the rcsolution was the prcpiraóon of a 1 draft Constitution to be submitted to a rcprcsenxarive asscmbly of Eriueans chosen by the pcople.

- After dheussing the tnarpccuóon of the terms of rcsolucion 390 A (V) with a panel of legał coosultants, a firn draft Constitution was drawn up at Gencva. In a •. tetised form, it was then transmitted to the Administcring * Authority and co the Govemsnait of Ethiopia, as pro-vided in the resoluboo.

The consulcations took the form of verioble nego* tiations and resułted in the dra/ting of a ttJtt which was acceptabk to the pan ics coocemcd. That tcxt was submitted to the Eiitrean Asscmbly eleaed by the pcople md corwcocd and arranged through the good officcs of the Adminńtering Authority in accocdancc with the ptovi-sions of paragraph 11 of the rcsolution.

5orne amendmrnu were madę to the draft coostitu-non and (be finał tcxt as a whole w as adopced unani-mously by the Eritrean Asscmbly on 10 July 1952. The ConsriruiiOA was approrcd by the Commissioncr on August 1952 and ratified by the Emperoc on 11 August 1952. It could not enter into force, bow«ver, unoJ tanfi-cation of the Federal Aa, which took place on 11 Scp-ttmbcr 1952 in Addis A baba. •

Thus all the aaion provided for in the General Asscmbly rcsolution with respea to the Constitution has been carticd out and the atuehed report gires a detadcd account of aK the rclevanc evcnu; it also contains, in annes, the faul tc« of the Consritudoa

The ot ha terms ot rcfcrcnce under which the Com-missioner wjs aaing, not in these instmees penoniUy and in consuhirion with other auihoriocs, but as an autboriry comultcd by the Administering Authority, arc also dciii with in the report.

I should likc to uy how much I apprcoated the consisccntly co-opcrative spirit of the Adminiucring Power and Administcring Authoriry and tocmphasire the cor dal rcbóons which prmiled throughout che consult-ations with the Ethiopian Govcmmcnt and the partia conccmcd. ] should also hke to mention che high qualiry of the work accomplishrd by the Asscmbly and the amołiacory spirit shown by the tcpresentauves md by the pcople. I also wish to thank you most war ml y for your co-opcration and uiurinttd assistance and for the eoenpe-tencc and Kard work of the members of the United Nations Sccr etanu w bom you assigned to help me in the

1/ Tbe U*1 ct Uniicd Sulow General AurtoWy Snokuaa JW A (V) U anftc*e4 «• frpon. [Tbe    h rtffoUucrU kett >■

Doceni 4.|


Document 9    113




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