and not wiihout credit. ir had bcen the pobcy of Her Mi)csfy"s Covcrnmcm ^ tbc United Kiedom to adenin-isier the terrisof) in the %-a interesu of the country and cl the peopic, whilst thof poLrical futurę wat berng dedded and arranged.

2S3. The comcms of this report cipbin how ehe com pa ra •. i vcly short transition period was uribsed. Ir rcmains only to add an cxpcession of apprcciation and gr atitudc for the unwavcring co-oprration and supporc of the ditcinguishcd Comraiuioocr of the United Na tions, the goodwill, help and frkndship which ar aH times chiraacriscd the attitude towards the Adminmrancn of the Ethiopian Go> ernmrtu, and the tolcrancc, good sense and scatcsmanship of the Eritrcan leader* and the pcople w bom they My represem. The almosc entire diuppear-ancc of the facrional strifc and political rivjJry which had in ihe past marred the dcrtlopmcm and tfe of Eritrca was a heanaur.f mamfestarion of a growing national har-mony, the credit for which redoonds almost emireły »o the good seme of. and the innace desire for peacc amonp. the Erurean pcople themsełm.

. . 2H. The federation and the new autonomous unit of Eiitcca havt thus wken thape in a gratifying atmos-pheie of friendship and goodwiil which augurt wdl for che comolidarion of the ncw auangemenu in the testirfg days ahead.

-    CofuJusiori

285. The establishment of Eritrca as an aucooo-cnous unit federated with Eahiopia under the *ovcrcignry of >hc Eihiopian Oown, and pouessing legitlatire, ex-ccutive and jodicia! powers in the field of domestie affairt, is a notable devc!opmenc and marki the beginning of a new era for the urricory. Its ncwly-woo pouesstons of a p/operły elccted Covernmcnt and legislatuic. an a dc-qsate adminiscraiion. and a vouad and worka ble Conui-tution. arc valuable foundations on which. much careful buildin? remami :o be dor-r.

Ili. The ftmaikabk fcaturc of the Emnan mcm is that. in adopdng and udcomin; a proposed from outsidc, the peoplc havc. at leasc for ptesem, btidged the racial and religious chasciK ^hidki rtcently barred their progres*. Jhis is an achn^nae*! which all concerncd must wek orne and which wc mu*' hope wiM be preserwJ in the futurę.

287. Eritrca an iisclf rcmains cc ©nornica Hy u*ł financially wrak and his linie prospen of bccoming a vi a ble Sute. but her amegration with the Eihiopian Dopite and the promise of fmancial assisiance from ihu source should cna ble he/ evrntujlly to improsnc Ker posi*

288. The futurę of Eritrca will rest upon a sympj. thetie and ready undeutanding of Ker cconomic and poBtica) weakness, and upon the proviiion of wite guid-ancc and materiał assatancc by ber largtr and morę happily endowed partner «n the federation. The forurc of the federation will be affeaed by the degree of matuli respea becween them for the rights. iurisAction soi tradirions of each other. Her Majcsry'% Covernmen: ia the United Kingdom share the belief of the United Na* rions Commissior.cr that federation his been emered ineo in the best of faith on both sides. They are comcious of che desire of His Imperial Majesry the Empcror of Ethio pia to bring peace and prosperity to his new peoplc and to forcigners residcm in the Empire, and of the imention of his Covernment scrupulously to obserre the prindpks on which the new order has beto constrocted.

219. In scvcring their dosc coaneccion with the Eritrcan pcople ow the past clcvcn and a haif years Her’ Majesiy's Covemmeoc desire to end this repon by wish* ing them succcss and happiness in the fucure in the ncw conditions in which they now fimd themiehes.

Documcnt 11

General Assembly resolution concerning the report of the United Nations Ccmmissioncr in Eritrca

A/RES/617 (VII), 17 Dccember 1952

The General Auembly,

Kecatling ics resolution 390 A (V) of 2 Decem ber 1950, providing that Eritrca be corutitutrd an aucono-mous unit federateJ with Ethiopu under the sorerci&Aty of the Eihiopian Crown,

Hatńng noted ihc adoprion and rarificatśon of the Eritrcan Comtitution and the ratification of the Fedcrai Act cmhodying the prorisions contsined in parag/aphs 1-7 indusivt of chat resolution,

Hai-ing noud that the conditions laid down in paragraph 13 of resolution 390 A (V) of 2 Decembcr


IharchrcAiutfilWd. and that on 11 Septemhc? 1952 Ifcdttf bon uf Erurra wiA Kihiop* wa* prcw-imci furthrr the finał report 1/ of the United iComnmsioncr in Eritrca of 17 On ober 1952 and "trport 2/ of tSc Admimstcring Authonnr of 2" Octo-1952,

Ko rwij iuftlr jpprccation the pan pliycd by the Narions Commissioner arJ the lornet AJmtnis-; Authority in Eritrca in preparing Eritrca to ukc its in the Federation,

Hoting also with satnfaetion the contribution madę Eihiopii to the establishment of the Fcderabon and

Ethiopia'* Łtpn^ioo of Jticrminjfion wiupuloudy to ctecuce ihc provi\io«v of the Fokfil Ait,

1.    Welcomes che csubłishmcm of che Federation of Eritrca with Dhiopia under the Ursttógmy of the Ethiopian Gown:

2.    Congratulates the pcople and gcwcmmcroal aothoritict of tbc Federation for their cffccntt and loyal fulfilmcnt of resolution 390 A (V) of the General Assem-My of 2 Dccembcr 1950.

1/ U* <vn*ut letotJi of ilu CfffjJ AiHmbfy. inrmb SfM**. No. 15.

2/$<ckx+**rń A/2DJ.

Documcnt 12

Urgent appc&l to the forty-sitfh session of the Commission on Humań Rights submitted by scucral non-govcrnmcntal organizations

E/CN.4/1990/NGO/75,7 March 1990


Q*xsuon of the vioiaiion of human righu and fufidamcnul frcedomi in any pan of the worid, sndi panicolar rcfcrencc to co1onial*nd ot her dependent coumHea and tcmiories

Written statement submitted by the foUowing: lTor/d Confederation of Labour, a non-gouemmental orgtmutio* in eonsultatwe status (categoryl), American Association of Jur nu. AnthSbuery Soch ty. Arab Law ytti Union. Arab Organitation for Human Rights. Humań Rtghts Aduocates, Humań Rights internet. International Association of Pena! Law, International Association for the Defence of Retigiou» Liberty. In-ta nasiona! Association of Educators for World Peace. International Commission of Jurists. International Commission of Health Professionals for Health and Humań Righu, International federation of Humań Rights, International Ftllowthip of Recortciliation, In-tcinational Organitation for the EJimination of Ali Forms of Raeial Discrimination. Pax Chritti Interna• tional ?xx Romana. Seruue for Peace and Justice in Laiin America and the Union of Arab Jurists. non-gourrnmental organizations ut consułtatiue status (cale• góry U), Centre Europę - Ttcrs Monde. Defence for Chitdren International, International Federation ofRural Adult Catholic MoucmenU. International Leaguefor the Righu and Liberation of Peoplcs, International Peace Bureau, International Pen and World Union for Progres-i«e Judattm, non-gouenmental organitations on the Rotter

The Sectetary-General has rcccńrd tbc foUowing communieabon which is circulated in accordance with Eccnontic and Soctal Council resolution 1296 (XLIV).

Urgent appeal to the'/6fry-sixtb session of the Commission on Humań Righu

1.    Eritrca was an Italian colony ber*cen 1889 and 1941 and was then placcd under prorisional Britith administraoon. In 1950, ii was federated with Ethiopia on the basis of General A&sembly resolution 390 (V) of 1950, contr ary to the Charter of chc United Nations and agairut the wili of the Eritrean pcople.

2.    It is an esublished fact that during the federation, the Ethiopian feudal nden dUmantled a 11 demo-era be imtinstions. Amoogothcr thtngs, they banned and aboltsbed freedom of the press, association and trade unions and imposcd Amharic, the Ethiopian languagc, to be the offieial languagc of Eriuea. Fmalły, they anneacd Eriuea unilaccraliy and incorporated it into Ethiopia in 1962.

3.    The United Narions, beiag the author and sole guarantor of the federation, temaincd silem and passisc when the Ethiopun rulers vio!ated the resolution despite the appeal and ouccry of the Eritrcan pcople.

4.    During the last 29 years of conAict, the socccs-siec Ethiopian rtgimes havt pursued a coerdec polky to crush the strugglc of the Eritrcan pcople for its basie and legii ima te right to self-dctermination.

5.    In the proccss, they have commined coSosul human rights riolaeioas, rangirg from arbitrary arrests.

Documcnt 12    153

i •


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