the percentage of particular evaluation classes in each administration unit, thus allowing to estimate the role of relief in the planned development of towns and villages.
3. Explanatory text to each sheet of map on a scalę of 1 : 25,000 comprises:
a) introductory notę (location of area concerned, summary of the results of former investigations),
b) description of the main geomorphological and geological features and the division into geomorphological units,
c) inventory of forms, their distribution and detailed characteristics,
d) morphographic, morphometric, morphochronological and morpho-genetic characteristics of the relief in each geomorphological unit,
e) evaluation of the relief for planning purposes in each administration unit (town, village).
This method used by the present authors for the characteristics of the region of Kraków can also be applied in the geomorphological investi-gation and evaluation of other areas. In the regions of a different type of relief a supplement to the list of forms and an extension of the eco-nomic evaluation of these forms will be, of course, necessary.
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