Specific work experience:

2015 - Expert researcher in project "Warsaw Local Centres", aiming at creating the methodology to identify places with potential to become local centres of social and economical exchange, fulfilling everyday needs of residents from less central districts of Warsaw. Coordinated by Warsaw Charter of Association of Polish Architects, financed by the City of Warsaw Office.

2014 - Principal Investigator in project "Mapping Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europę", diagnosing the State of civil society in Visegrad Countries and main areas that should receive support Coordinated by Maecenata lnstitute for Philanthropy and Civil Society (Berlin), financed by Porticus Foundation.

2013-2016 - Expert, member of the research team conducting the international project GendEQU "Gender Equality at the University", financed from Norway Grant, Faculty of Economics & lnstitute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.

2013/2014 and 2007/2008 - Member of the scientific team conducting the international project “Futurę of European Welfare Systems" (analysis of Polish welfare system, preparation of the handbook chapter).

2010-2014 - Expert, member of the research team conducting the international project "Welfare Innovations at the Local level in favour of Cohesion (WILCO)", aiming at identifying social innovations and their impact in 20 European cities. Financed from 7lh Framework Program, lnstitute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.

2009- 2014 - Expert, member of the research team conducting the project "Ministerstwa uczące sie" [Ministries learning] (methodology, qualitative interviews, report), EUROREG, University of Warsaw.

2011 - Expert in the project ENRI-East "Interplay of European, National and Regional Identities: nations between States along the new eastern borders of the European Union", financed from 7lh Framework Program, coordinated by the lnstitute for Advanced Studies in Vienna (qualitative interviews, qualitative and quantitative analysis and reports).

Since 2005 - Member of Polish World Values Survey team, lnstitute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.

2010- 2011 - Expert, member of the international team conducting international project WORKCARE Synergies - Findings from EU research, aiming at disseminating knowledge concerning reconciliation of work and family. Financed from 7,h Framework Program, lnstitute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.

2009-2010 - Expert evaluator of Social Inclusion Program (PPWOW-P1S) coordinated by Ministry of Labour, financed from Post-Accession Rural Support Program.

Since 2006 - Member of PhD-Network on the Third Sector and Civil Society (supported by CINEFOGO NetWork).

2007-2011 - Expert in project European NetWork of Excellence on Reconciling Work and Welfare (RECWOWE).

2009 - Expert, member of the international team conducting project "EFELSE - Evaluation Framework for the Evolution of LLL Strategies in Europę", LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME 2007-2013, lnstitute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.

2007-2009 - Member of the scientific team conducting the international CINEFOGO WP27 project "Third Sector Organizations (TSOs) facing turbulent environments" (analysis concerning Polish sport organizations).

2006-2009 - Member of the polish research team in WORKCARE project (coordination of the fieldwork, preparation of the research tools, data analysis, reports, presentations), lnstitute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.

2007/2008 - Participation in UNDP project Gender Index (data analysis and reports preparation).

2007/2008 - Expert, member of evaluation team conducting the monitoring and evaluation of Regional European Social Fund Centres, PARP (preparation of the research tools, data analysis, reports, visits, case studies).

2005 - Project coordinator in PHARE project "Enhancement of policies on equal treatment of women and men", the Beneficiary of the project was the Secretariat of the Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Status of Women and Men. EQUAL

Teaching experience:

Research seminars for the master's students of lnstitute of Sociology, University of Warsaw:

2011-2014 annual seminar "Social physiology of urban and rural areas" (with R. Siemieńska and I. Matysiak)

2010-2013 research workshop "Morę then third sector. Formal and informal grassroots initiatives in urban and rural

local communities" (with R. Siemieńska and I. Matysiak

2010-2013 annual seminar "Globalising labour market in gender perspective"

2008-2013 annual seminar "Third sector and civil society"

2007-2010 annual seminar "Gender and the changing boundaries of private and public spheres" (with R. Siemieńska) 2004-2010 annual seminar "Gender in sociological and politological perspective. Theories and reality" (with R. Siemieńska)


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