3.38 Tahoua Research Station* Project-funded constructlon would begin in PY3 and would provide housing for the director, one guesthou8ev work spece for seven researchers end their eupport staff* laboratories* and storage facilities in order to open up thia location aa a futurę regional research center* In additlon* project funda would be provided for the purchase of Office and laboratory eąuipment, 31 yehicles* and five mobylettes*
3.39 Bengou Research Station. Bere also* the civil vorks program would start in PY3* with the constructlon of the house of the director* and one gUBSthouso• Storage and workspace would be built and equiped. Project funds would be prowided for the purchase of one tractor with implements, one vehicle and one mobylette.
3.40 Konni Research Station. The dvil works program would start in PY2* with the constructlon of the house of the director* one guesthouse* office and storage facilities for four researchers and their support staff. Project funds would be provlded for the purchase of office and workshop eąuipment, four vehicles and three mobylettes*
3.41 Agadez Research Station* Civil works constructlon* beginning during PY3, would consist of one house for the director* one guesthouse* and additional laboratory for entomology* storage and Office space. Additlonal eąuipment would consist of three wehicles* two mobylettes* furniture and laboratory eąuipment.
3.42 Tama Research Center. The project would finance starting in PY1* the rehabilitation and constructlon of additional office and storage facilities* the purchase of additional eąuipment for laboratories and offices* 23 vehicles (including replacements)* three tractors with their implements* eight mobylettes*
3.43 Zinder Research Station. The civil works would start in PY3* with the constructlon of one house for the director* one guesthouse* soli laboratories* storage and office space in order to open up this location as a futurę regional research center* Project funds would be provided for the purchase in FY4 of one tractor and its implements* two vehicles* two mobylettes* furniture and eąuipment for laboratory and offices.
3.44 Deyelopment Support Pointa. (PAD) (Ouallam* Kalapate* Magaria* Diffa* and two new sites to be determined in the regions of Tahoua and Ma radl). The project would finance the rehabilitation or the constructlon of office* meeting* and storage facilities* as well as eąuipment for conducting under the supervision of the research station* adaptive research trials* training of eztenslon staff* and seed control and multiplication.
3.45 The project would finance all operat ing and maintenance costs incurred by INRAN in connection with the inwestments madę under the project* incremental salaries and travel ezpenses for local and Internationally-recruited staff* as well as ezpenses (inputs* materiał) associated with tests and trials* Maintenance includes all ezpenses reąuired to keep buildings* vehicle8 and eąuipment in working condition*