Bijker, W.E. & Bijsterveld, K.T. Women Walking Through Plans. Technology, Democracy and Gender Identity. Paper for the workshop Mutual Shaping of Gender and Technology 1995, Enschede, October 6-8,1995.

Bijsterveld, K, Horstman, K. & Mesman, J. Elderly womens’ retirement age, the Dutch welfare State and feminism (1955-1980). Paper for the 1993 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Poughkeepsie, New York, June 11-13, 1993.

Bijsterveld, K. The naturę of aging. Some problems of ‘an insider's perspective’ illustrated by Dutch debates about aging (1945-1982). Paper for the 1991 annual 4S meeting. Cambridge, M. (USA), November 14-17, 1991.

Bijsterveld, K. ‘Leren oud te zijn’. Voorbereiding op de pensionering in Nederland, 1950-1980. Paper voor het Tircum-symposium: De groei van interventie. Valkenburg, September 15,1989.

Bijsterveld, K. De gerontologie en het maatschappelijk perspectief op ouderdom. Lezing voor het deelproject Sociale Aspecten van de veroudering, Faculteit Gezondheidswetenschappen, Maastricht, August 1, 1989.

Additional research-related activities

Organizing and Chairing Conferences, Workshops and Panel Sessions (from 2000 onward)

2015    Co-organizer Sonic Science Festival, Maastricht, January 23-25,2015.

2014    Organizer Sonic Skills Public Day & Expert Meeting, Maastricht, January 17-


2013    Chairing Panel ‘The practices of exhibiting sound,” Digital Archives,

Audiovisual Media and Cultural Memory, Danish LARM Audio Research Archive project, Copenhagen November 14-15, 2013.

2012    Organizer Workshop Soundscapes of the Urban Past, Maastricht, March 30-


2012    Co-organizer and chair (with Andreas Fickers, Bas Agterberg & Annemarie de

Wildt) Symposium Staging Sound in the Museum, Hilversum, Institute for Image and Sound, February 3,2012.

2011    Co-organizer (with Frank Schipper) Panel “Dreading the Duli Drive: Creating

and Contesting Cinematic Parkways, Straight Autostradę and Corridor Highways,” SHOT Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, November 3-6,2011.

2010    Organizer WTMC Annual Conference 2010, in collaboration with Gesellschaft

fUr Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technikgeschichte, Maastricht, September 24-25.


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