Polaki Związek Postępowy * Londynie, 11/13. Parkway, London, N.W.l.
Appeal to the Public Opinion,
Polish democratic circlea in Great Britain appeal to the British public opinion not to identify them with the official Poliah circlea known for their Faaci8t tendencies. We can bring many proofs that the Poles in Great Britain have been, for a long time, divided into two groupa.
The firat group consista of some menibera of the Government and their employeea and of the mili tary cliąue desiring a dictatorship regime in futurę Polani. Theae circles support the extreme reactionary politiciana and Joumalista, giving them financial raeana for the purpoae of publiahing many papera and founding different organizations. The oppoaition of theae papera atrong in words ani obedient in deeda, ha a the a im to show that only the extreme right opposea the preaent govemment.
The exiatence of a aecond group, consiating of large democratic social organizations and Trade Unions is very little known in thia countiy, becauae they don* t poaseaa their papera. The Poliah Govemwent divided their paper quota between their own preas and the deactionary, right, oppoaition.
It ia characteristic, that the official Poliah presa refuaea to print ary reporta of actirities and does not even accept paid advertisesnenta from democratic organizationa. /example: "Dziennik Polaki" and the recently suppreaaed "Wiadomości Polskie"/.
There ia an official order to boycot theae organizations and an order prohibiting the sale in Poliah ahops of pamphleta published by the independent democratic groupa. Within thia category of organizations come the Poliah Society in London establiahed in 1886, The Counoil of Poles in Great Britain, The Poliah Progressive Club, The Poliah Section of International Brigadiers, the "Free Poland" Library and some Poliah Trade Unions.
The ranka of those organizations consist of Poliah war-workers, merchant aeamen, diaabled aoldiers, some profesaional men and the majority of the pre-war Poliah emigration in Kngland.
Activitiea of the poliah Progreasiyę Club.
Yestorday, the 16th of February, 1944, the following telegram was aent to the Primo Minister, The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill:
"Poliah democratic circlea greet with satisfaction your great help to an achievement of Polish-Soyiet collaboration, based on Poliah independence and world peace."
The Polish Progresaive Club tooic a reaolution demanding a reconstruction of the preaent Goremment and the National Council, by allowing the entranoe of representatiye8 from Poles in the U.S.A., U.S.S.R. and Great Britain. Firat of a 11 the Poliah Progressive Club demands the resignation of General Kukieł and Mr. Romer aa those who are affected, amongat others, by the "Bolaheyic bogey".