No dotnils aynllnblc. Jróbar of the oaaauniat argenioaticn ln lolanćL unknom in Bollflh pollttca.
9. Stanjalar flatOdeBios, :3atal qf tog joportiont of uhllc ecurlty.
L«yer. .Jinoc Juty l6th,1944 lacsdbcr of the lraeaidiira of the Union of Bpllinh . Btriots, Itae uaknown ln oliah politka.
10, 3oIga3UŁ7
cf t‘c Dapbrtont of -nboir,
olfław nafl ąBłfc
Ueriber af the Pollah 'odaliat inerty * włxtah hcwevar, ho repeatodty loft to cc^snl^ 30 on independent joaiolist warbsrs ' porty with oasaunist tanienoios. In 1934/ 1933 espellofl fran the pllah -odoliat listy. Sid»e<3ueritty as an cr^aadLsod of strikos ho wm arrestod cod asntonoed to tero yeersf inęaiaoraont. In 1940 ćte-portod to tho interior of the U33R. LYaa Aprll 1244 a Otefcer of tho raesidiin of the Union of .oiinh ntriota.
11. Jon Miohal Grubeoil, Ifeod of the Popart ant of '.aronaport. oata and BfleflWghs.
dvll cnglnoer. inoe Jhty 16th. 1244 a raeribor of tho iraesddiuni af the Union of tho m*m U&Lon of oliah . atrioto.
12, Sili :3oaaomatein. 53ołL qf tho i^pcortaont of \7sr Iteporaticpo. , g g
liedbor of the pcrlinamtory Ziardsts Club, Nolds njoderato viewn, wotod ln f&four of tho 1933 ConstŁtuticn tojathor wite his porty. Arrested in 1959 ho esrwod & lang aenfconoo in >Taasisn irlsans. HLschargod as a rosult of the effertn of the loliah in the UTK8, iaoe Ajril 1944 nenber of tho roesidiim af tee
Union of Pallsh . ntriots.
13. itanjator Hsrzoazoird.d,, -lead of tee Jspertont of VTnmtion.
Deforo the war locturor in the lodAgogLoal Instituto in CTaocor. leyod no part in -‘olifłh poliUcs. At jsosont atefcer cf tee reeaddiaa of tee Union of iollah Patriota.
14, .Slruenty :^yry>.falz'.. &sd of tee Doi^irtaant oC Jul turę and lUae /rts.
•ritter, prorainent joumalist of tee "&gjer lonłreęr"1 Cowamoant 2HwB:>apar in
15. u
JedrychOBrafcl, Tioal of tee Popart .ant of iroppflantlft and. Infcmatlon.
af tee Sujjtono Counoil of tho Lltliuanion 3SR. Jjmynr, uell knam befere for oocBurdnt aotl^dtlos in lino. At jreoont mdbor of the Union of . oliah atriots.
At tee 3090 tit03 a lu&rerc Illitary ccnaanl ixave heen creotad, oonslntŁnc of Cen,rnli>-^ile3rski, Gon,^/saxnt Derlin^ and Gen./jLeccandor Tjeeja3sh±.
Bid lattor xms a oda»l in tee frontLer fcroa af tee NTOTD ani oaa aondod a aootar af the berdar of lianohuria. In 1936 he wan cliaridsaed firaa the oco-sutLst porty and ahortty aftonrards arreated and aentancaed to 10 yeara ir^risemont.
In Deoonbor 1945 ha was ootod to tiie ^tedolnszko QLviaiarx' ani C laanths Inter was praaotsd to tee rank af njar ; onsral and dopiuty of Gon,:3exlin2.
Bug it can ho aoen that af the 13 noabers af the Cennittee, 9 sra at tee nonę tirae raariherr, af tee „rseoidiin of the Union of Iollah i ntriots in 'loooow and 4 mters of the ca-runlst arganisatŁon in anepaB oooupled olond knewn oe tho z pliah \yorkBrs * ..-arty, At loast 2/5 af tho Jaiaittoe are ocrcimiats. Cnty 2 er 3 af the aftibors h»ve pli^ed a aertoin tłiou^i a mzy laodeat pert in pcditlosi tee rost are oac^lotety unknowr. and toak no pert in puhlic lifh in -Olond. Pinolty, taro n»tbsrs of t2ie Occnittco are nodbers af the CięrecjD autharitios of tee U33R,