of tha Berman inwadere. Many tiicce 3lav peoples ave drlwen Ge.ncan plun&erers from theiz* landa,
In the first world war the Slay people suffared te ribly, But Kfdser Germany was defe&ted, with the help of tu© RuJ^an, Englioh and American Axw»iea. Opędrtunitie were opened for foraation of free, denocratic Siav States. n'here grew up two demoora-tio nations, Czeoholslovakia and ługoslavia. Instead of l ©aminy the lesso is of the war, the meroenary ruling clique of Poland learned only the practice of their fonaer opprezsors. Their persona1 interest stood hlgfcer thon the intereats of the country and the people.
The Soviet Union has h&d to fi;ht this hattle in single combat a^ainst the German war maohlne and has hrou Jnt Hitlerite Genaany to the verge of oataatrophe* /hond oheers./ The Red \natf is approaching the frontiers of neighbouriug Slav oountries,
The people of Poland and Czeohoslovaid.e cm hoar the roar of the juna of the Red Aray and are rieing up to meet them, innpired wlth the hope of enrly libera ; i on.
With the Red Army mardies the Arny of Polish Patriota. Polish People wnet Rid themselvea of the Trałtors.
G«ndorov continuedj But. those guilty of the defeat of pola d, who handed her oyer to Geiiaon slawery, these people are tatying to r peafc in the name of the Polish people, while continning their vile policy.
Today, raeeting to n.ark the 150th anniversary of the Kościuszko uprising, a ler-sou aa to how the people should fig£t for their liberation, we on et advise the Polish peoole to do all in their power as Kościuszko did before u o, o rid thenv?.elves of traitora and all who hamper the etruggle. Polish Patriotę. Aereile-sly ertetrainete the German inyaders. Stop them from using Polish roadn, Poli h food, poliah faotories* Make the rear of the German Anny as terrible as the eituation is for the Germane in Byelorussia and the Ukrainę.
Polish people. fou will g.-1 your independenee Kon the roots of •a.scism are uprnoted and democracy established.
The Polish people will become free and independent only in gtrong friendship and fratęmai collaboration with the 3oviet Union.
The polish people will beoo .e free r.nd independent in fighting unity with the other Slav peoples.
Long live the militat unity of tne Siav peoples. ho g live a free, democratic independent Poland, true to the ideała of Tadeusz Kościuszko. Tjong live the ^reat
ftuesian people, bringing liceration to tne ^lay peoples. long live the great leader of the Sowiet people and Red Anay, Marshal of the Sowiet Union Joseph Stalin.
Maron 26th 1924.
No. 243*.