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Many of tha ba*łc operation* one woukf perform on digitlted data ara eonteined In the córa 3IG packaga. Out of thaaa córa commentk. mora powerful slgnal procewfng algorithm* may ba built.


of tka Smkeomac Kamei Fumeboa im tka S-Pliaa, wilk App&eatioaa to Fhittar Amałyka

H.J. Cunningham and R.N. Desmarałs NASA Langley Res. Ctr., Hampton, VA, Rapt. No. L-15708, NASA-TP-2292,39 pp (Mar 1984) N84-20480

Kay Worda: Fluttar. Computer programa

A gtncraUaed aubaonie unataady aarodynamlc kamai func-tion, welid for both growing and dacaying oadllatory mo* tlona, la deueloped and appilad in a modlfład fluttar analyaia computar program to aołva tt»a boundwłaa of oonatant dam ping ratio aa wali aa the fluttar boundary. Rataa of chenge of damplng ratioa with raapact to dynamie praaaurc fluttar ara aubatandally towar from tha ganarallaad-kernei-functlon calcu la tlona then from tha corwentional val od ty-dam ping (V-g) calculation.


EURDYN: Computer Program# for tka Noriknar Tramami Amałyab of Strmctmrea Sabaattei to Dymne Lowkag. EURDYN (Relmae 3); Uaera* Mammai

J.P. Halleux

Commission of the European Communities, Luxem-bourg, Rept. No. EUR-8357-EN. 162 pp (1983) PB84-162080

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i. _    •

Kay Worda atructurea

Plataa. Biaat radstent


Computer-A>M Stractmrał FagMaamg (CASE) Project. Uacra Guide. Computer Progrwo for Optimaa Dymanie Deafcm of Noalfaeer Metal Ptataa mmder Mart LoaJteg (CSDOOR)

J.M.Ferritto, R.M. Wamsley.and P.K. Senter Ar my Engineer Waterways Experimeot Station, Vicksburg. MS, Rept. No. WES-IR-K-84-2. 62 pp (Jan 1984)

AD-A140 053

CSOOOR cal lad X0067 In tha Conaaraatlonally Oriantad Raal-Tima Programmłng Syttam (CORPS) llbrary, la uaaful to parform ropad dwlgn of matal ptataa uaad to form tha aidaa and roofa of biaat caila and of matal uaad aa doora-ragular and bullt-up. Tha program may ba uaad for any itructure matariała for which tha materiał propartłaa ara known but ttaaf la tha moat commonly uaad. Tha program may ba uaad, włth Hm I ta tlona, to optlmiaa tha daalgn by fundlng tha laaat coat atructurea that Mtiafłaa all tha daalgn

Kay Worda: Computer programa, Shełla, Tran*lent

EURDYN 01. 02. and 03 ara Fortran programa daalgnad for larga diaplacamant and larga rotatlon t rana lent dynamie analyaia of piana atraaa, piana ttrain, and exiaymmetrtc atructurea, and for tha tranaient dynamie analyaia of 3-0 thin ahaila. Tha updatad verak>n of tha programa łncludaa aaaaral noval faaturaa: fuli larga ttrain capability for 9-nodt iaoparamatrlc elementa, ganarallrad array dimanaiona. intro-duction of tha radia! return elgorłthm for alaatopiaatic materiał moda ling, and poaaibie Intarfaca capability to a poat-procaaaing packaga including tłma plot facilitiea. For aach program, tha manuał g*vea an overvław of tha capa-bilłtiaa. axplaina tha input data praparation and aołaaa a taat problem.


AUTDYN - A Digital for the

(AUTDYN - aim digMea grama* f8r £a Fakrdymamik


F. Uffelmgnn

Kammuhłweg 9, 8074 Gaimershelm, Automobiltech Z.,    (2). pp 41-46 (Feb 1964) 5 fig*. 34 rgfs

(In German)

Can- Part 1

r ..


Kay Worek: Computer nemie*

program*. Automobile*, RkJ# dy

• » • . #*r V

A naw whkla dynamie* *imul«tłon model - AUTDYN -ha* been dawlopad which knpoaa* no rartriction* on tha vahida body In term* of dagraa* of fraadom of mouement. distribution of mew or torslonal aoftwaw batwaan tha axlw. Tha spacial eduentaga of tha model i* ita axact raproduction of tha kinamatics and atastokłnamatlcs of tha wheet mnpen-•łon. Spring and ahock-abaorbar action ara timulatad to any dwirad noniinaar function*, tha rotatłng wheel* and *lon component* ara glvan approprlata ma** w ant of inartia, tha tłrw ara raalllant In tha aartical and ieterei dlraction*, and irragularłtla* In tha road surfaca can ba •Imulated w raquirad. Numarou* other dttalk alłow for all normel driear Input*.


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