,.7.^ -:„o,26 '
KOI TO 13- HTśLIol-ISD V:iKi±& (+‘*5 P«n.
^..itehokt piskTa ti^iutk io oeii-kłal GmCRSii
Addresa by thc Socretcuy of State for jj*. •..•c.-irjn Affnirs at a mecting ir. mcmory of G-cnorrl TkU- islow Sikorski, Cały 5th, 19M*
X hołd it ar. honour funt yc-u k ■.• invit. : a- ;t o.aao herc tc-ćlay tc poy tributo on buhrOLi' £ tho Eritish ;ov nncnt t i cutstanćlliig iJLliod leader in thc profeont ner.
Out cisfii Pri-.no Miniatur, llr.tfinsta Cl*., •lrii.1, regaeded Gunoral Sikorski as a - ’iod and trusted c tyrado in -.a-ias ńc.| ho Itr^ śdrit thc rcllowui;- rncasagc m. i:ri.« ooeasion*
y&oncrni Sikorski«s new. v/ill lor<? be tfMriboYcd it hiatory. His faibh susicdiiod Pcl aiuD* s spirit in Hor deafloiBt Uor.j, ". odorage tli. Prlisk poęplc tc continua
their long and rcianticss strug;.la agninat tho Ocnw:ci inva-jor* His .•nr .ioantóiiship had ńlways in vicv; Allic-d unity in OGEtocn notlun nr •inbt Germany and thc v storation of cland*s in.dopcnr_n.co cud gra. .tr.cse. Go lo:. nn hiś raomory is cIk■‘iabcćl., thc acaomp-lishrAcnt of tho rr -.t werk for vhioh hc «sxva his 1'ifo will W assmród".
I tor, y/ac privilogcr3 to cnjoy tho elose friandship of General Sikorski and his ilcath on aotivo scrvicc in bk; ccw.rao trf ono c$ his p.rny jourftcys to c-noouragu and stimulnt'- P- list rL.aistar.ee was a p rcpnxL less to wtó and to ny cołłeaguos as v*cll as a los-s to Polani fchat cannot be nioQs.ur.Qd. i ^ ^
Gf X na ról Sikorski as •.. ? lich p-.-.triot it is not for mc to speak, Ko ono but a Pelc could r/i 1 .t ly veluo rad ojęęrcss uli thc.t his fet'.th ...X lais ouurago havo jraańt to his owi country. Ha atrovo for r liah independoncc beforo th< l-.st war. Ho tóorkod fór tho aonsolidatioyi of pcj.and after hor inclcpc.nJ .noc Uall bccn scauTod. Hien in thc ćbrl; days of 1939# fully lmouing cli tho difficultics rl.c , \ - imłic3itr.tin^ly aiisworod thc o.oll. of cl'X V'olcs, v/';j. withuui; ./.coptior. dctcrr.-incJ b.- fiejht on,
He aco-ptod thc post cf rospor.sibi3.ity ni thc berki of his ooiuitryiuou md ho som •rod for hisnisolf an hor.ottrod olr.ee iaa tlić councola of thc llliod nations.
It is f tlor_r.nl Silcorsldl na rorsolut-. ally nnd • *;botl Eur-Lpocai that I wiąh to
*ak to-d v. It would bo har.-] be • 1 •. of his splo .and I- s ip
• •
to tho causo of Eur ^pson freodetm. Bering tho yoćufs bc-ferc this var ho plóarly forobaw .'a mor.acc f Gomoiiy and ureed tho eointrics of Europo in tho East and in tho Yfcst to
cahfcinc agftiioHt it. Kis .v.>Jvi lUcc fchab of othora, yttię not hoódcjd •ir’i i.-, was only ngbtw
; lir. aisrst' r •. f 1939 th-.-.l hc t/nr. o.••11 •! u.non v:-o.r. to ..*uido his courrtry-1 u dosiinios.
Pclna^lfa plru:., ho s ir whórc tbo fight agaijisi ''1 ■ •]:•.,■.v krin<'^,pivst in PrmiBpa ■cii th*..Tt i.n thio ••• fcaiupd £alan8*s caitti s, 1.
'tnd a±r>n*,iL of Pdaj ), our; firr.t iJ3y, ncvor ctasećl tc fight at eur sido c^ainst tho conou-u onony.
per tr.i.?i in ••-! i r>. ’.r\f.ry r,. f5iJc*»rr.ki»a n.uoa. will cJu.wys starli as a aypfocl cf
p k-. I •-.•„• i /Irw ... y :it> Rit he novo:* lont aikui ot tl . -;ty <M;* th
Europoan ńationa r ai'- •• -nr.; un.lcr tlić lonaęji yokc* Por Uiin ii went without saying tlia.t
- -1 - f-o’h'1; br. ihpuld sec!: and rca -k • a/K r.ó \.'i.th ner r>o tly?.t thc
x ' *' th'c: -li '•■! 1 • • ■■• ■ : Uić( .• -"uld ... 11> >c'i 1-i:iy': .ittst thu G-erjuans.