196 Summaries
between requirements of the job and competence of the employee. It turned out, that selection criteria adopted by employers, i.e. legał form, size of the company and area of its activity, are evidently diversifying recruitment procedures applied by them (recruitment, evaluation and verification of qualifications, training, adaptive). In the article these differ-ences were also shown. Since the issue causing many emotions and discussion is the adaptation, or rather the maladjustment of the directional structure of higher education to the needs of the labor market and sińce there is a lack of information about these needs, it was also attempted to find a reply to the question put in the title of article.
Keywords: graduates, competence, gualifications, employers of Masovia, higher education institutions.
Marcin Zarzecki
Higher education institutions in Masovie in creating economy
based on knowledge (EBK)
The concept of economy based on knowledge (EBK) is pointing to a direct connection of knowledge and its operational dimension in the form of practical Solutions, with the innovation of the economy, but first of all with the competitiveness of economic sectors. EBK is integrated with a few lines of micro- and macroeconomic enquiries: so-called new theories of rise, including the two-sector model of Romer, the examination of the kinds of forms of the new labour organization, the diagnosis of the role of learning and systematic innovation inside companies etc. The main problem is the possibility of measuring EBK, and the simplest seems to be the creation of a fourth economic sector - economy based on knowledge and measuring its share in the GDR Since a crucial stage of EBK creating is a mutual transfer of knowledge and technology from educational and research institutions to enterprises and, vice-versa, the transmission of knowledge, and also financial resources, from enterprises to the B+R sector, one should recognize that cooperation indicators are strategie for analyses. Amongst recognizable forms of cooperation of the college with market subjects, the ones most often mentioned are spin-off, Centres of Advanced Technology and Platforms of Development of Knowledge. The assessment of the cooperation of business entities with higher education institutions in Masovia comes out disadvantageously in the B+R field of activity. Moreover the majority of entrepreneurs negatively assessed the possibility of establishing a futurę cooperation. Entrepreneurs also assessed negatively the offers of higher education institutions, giving particular attention to the cost of provided and the Iow functional advantage of the offer. To the collection of actions which would have a deciding influence on EBK, one should add developing by higher education institutions of Masovia of a strategy and action plans concerning a cooperation in research and teaching with economic practice, intensification of promo-tional actions in colleges, establishment of professional organizational units responsible for the cooperation with the business sphere, and legislative changes in the scope of the intellectual property, this comprising regulations concerning the explicit division of benefits connected with its commercialization.
Keywords: higher education institutions, Masovia, cooperation, innovation, EBK, B+R, EPC, research and development units, lnter-Voivodships lndex of lnnovation of the Economy, commercialization of knowledge, intellectual property.