T0'v7N OFFICE Maczków

• • • • •



Haren 15.XII.1947-


37 D.P.A.C#8.


Th© Town Office,as the repreeentatiwe of camp Haren, kindly asks the direction 37 D.P.A.C.8.,to stop the trane-ports to other canps for the winter time-.

This reąueat we Giotivate,becaiise the frost is now ccming and the chilcEen can catch serioue sickness,also the older people.

At the same time we muat add that according to the law, with effect from 1-st November all transports wher atoped.

Politely we ask you to infcrm us by a letter adressed to the camp leader,about the decision.

We hope,that onr reęuest will be favourably considered by the director of 37 D.P.A.C.S.

Vfe thank you in anticipation.

Town Player of Haren.


II Town Leader

/-/ing.Lewandowski Edward


Parish priest

/-/Ka• Borowezyk Stanisław

Chief of the Boarding Houses /-/mgr.Stankiewicz Włodzimierz Chie£ of the Primary School

/-/Zacny Winoenty

Chief of Culture and Instructions

/-/prof..Yiehler Kazimierz

President of the Politicał

Chief of the School districb in Karen

/-/mgr.Graczyk Edmund

Chief Commissioner of the Polish Boy Scouts and Girl Guides Aseociation in Germany

/-/ ./ładys/aw Dębski

Chief of the Technical courses

/-/kynski Jan War Pr i s on er s

/-/Stysinski Jozefat


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