The emissions of gaseous pollutants (CO2, SO2, HCL HF, etc.) during the firing process are estimated using the Eąuation 1 (Coronado, 2014).
Mwi 100 i ; — * ( * CJr - C} )
Anij v 100 — LOl r {J
Where, i polluting compounds (CO2, HCL HF, SO2, etc.); j constituting elements (C, Cl, F, S, etc.) of the polluting compounds, yi emission (in mg of compound i per kg of ceramic produced); LOI (°o) loss on ignition at the sintering temperaturę 1020*C of each materiał; Mwi molecular weight of the polluting compounds; Amj atomie mass of the element; Crj concentration of element (j) in the raw materiał and Cfj concentration of element (j) in the fired product.
Mixture BaCOi
Pressing(6MPa) Dr/ing (25-60*0)
Firing at 1020*C
* Fi<ed hedtlng ratę: 30*C/h ■ fixed soakingtkne: Sh
Aft«f hoating
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