Tsagareli, A.A. Snoshcniia Rossii s Kavkazom v XVI-XVIII stolctiiakh. Spb., 1891. •

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Tseng Yu-Hao. The lermination of unequal Treaties Shanghai, 1933.

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Tudela y Varela, F. La nacionalidad cn cl Peru. Lima, 1900.

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Twiss, T. (Ed.). The black book of the admiraliy. London, 1871-1876.

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Historical study of the disputes around the modern Canadian-American border. With considerable attenlion for the role of several fur companies. Perfecl example of early-modem studies that marginaliz.e the role of Native landowners in such territorial confiicts.

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T\viss, T. 'Iwo Introductory Lccturcs... London, 1856.

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Tzocoff, P. Les Confćrcnces intcrnationales d*Unification du Droit pćnal. Nancy, 1936.

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U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Citizenship of the U.S., cxpatriation and protection abroad. Washington, 1906.

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U.S. Congress. House of Represenfatives.~Proposcd ćhanges in naturalization laws. Washington, 1919.

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Ulloa, L. Algo dc Historia. Lima, 1911.

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Uribe Olarte, L. Las sentencias en Derccho Intcrnaciona! Privado. Bogota, 1915.

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Urąuhart, D. The Edinburgh rcvicw and the AlTghan Whr. London, 1843.

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