Entwistle: “Spiders don V have fangs andthey haven V got iwo
With a cardboard tubę tteked under his arm. John Entwistle sirides into the smali lobby of the Beverlv Hills hotel that is his West Coast home base. He has been out on a shopping expedition. and the scventeen-vear yeteran of ihe Who
appears pleased with the results. Up-stairs in his suitę—which iscompletc with bar. video cassette reeorder. stereo sys-
tem. V-shaped eight-string bass guitar. portable keyboard and amp—he unrolls his purchase: a tilm poster of Tarantula, the 1955 science fiction shocker with John Agar. Mara Corday. and Leo G. Carroll.
“Of course, the spider‘s all wrong,” says the imposing bassist as he points at the picture of the giant rampaging tilm star. “They don’t have fangs and they haven’t got two eyes. They’ve got about eight or nine little eyes all grouped to-gether in the middle of their head.”