CLASSICAL Record Reviews
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It’s the old story: In order to have access to an organ for the obbligato part in the score. the work was recorded in a Iarge church. the result being a long and per-sistent echo that seriously afflicts every-thing above mezzo forte and renders the pauses ambiguous. When will recording companies build decent organs into stu-dios. so that the glories of chorał sound can be heard free of the sonie blanket cast over it by rolling echoes? p.ili..
MOZART: Works for Flute and Orchestra.
Frans Vester. flute: Edward Witsenburg. harp*: Amsterdam Mozart Ensemble. Frans Bruggen, cond. (Wolf Erichson. prod.J Pro Arie 2PA1. 2004. S 19.96 (two dises. manuał sequcnce). Tape: 2PAC 2004. $ 19.96 (two cas-settes). [From ABC/Sf.on AX 67040. 1979.)
Concertos for Flute and Orchestra: No. I. in G. K. 313; No. 2. in D. K. 314. Concerto for Flute. Harp. and Orchestra, in C. K. 299.* Andante in C. K. 315. Rondo in t). K. Anh. 184.
MOZART: Concertos for Flute and Orchestra, Nos. I, 2. Andante, K. 315.
Jean-Pierre Rampal. flute; Jerusalem Musie Center Chamber Orchestra. Isaac Stern. dir. Musical Hf.ritage Society MHS 4238. $7.75 ($4.95 to members). Tape: MHC 6238. $7.75 ($4.95 to members) (cassette). (Add SI.60 for shipping; Musical Hcritage Society. 14 Park Rd.. Tinton Falls. N.J. 07724.) (From RCA AR1. 1-3084. 1979].
MOZART: Concertos for Flute and Orchestra, Nos. 1, 2.
William Bennetl. flute; F.nglish Chamber Orchestra. George Malcolm, cond. (Chris Hazell. prod.j Argo ZRG 910. $ 10.98. Tape: KZRC 910. S 10.98 (cassette).
MOZART: Concerto for.Flute, Harp. and Orchestra, in C, K. 299*; Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra, in C, K. 314*; Rondo, K. Anh. 1841.
Mariellc Nordmann. harp*; Pierre Pier-lot. oboe’; English Chamber Orchestra. Jean-Pierre Rampal. flutc*: and cond. [Michel Gardn. prod.j CBS Masterworks M 35875. Tape: MT 35875 (cassette). [Price at dealcr*s discrction]
(OMPARisoNS-Concertos Nos. I. 2: Nicolet. Zinman Phi. 9500 392
Galway. Prieur Pick. SHM 3010
Mozart himself is partly to blame for the relative neglect and disparagement of his concerted works for flute. The complaint to his father(“You know that I am quite powerless when I am obliged to write for an instrument that I cannot bear”) has been taken far too seriously. It came in a moment of exasperation when he had been cheated out of fuli payment for the “easy” concertos and quartets commis-sioned by Dutch amateur flutist Willem van Dejong (“De Jean" or “De-champs”). And of course his pique wasn’t dulled when he was again de-frauded a few months later in Paris, this time of the Duc de Guines* promised fee