


Die Yerteilung des flUgelverdrehmomentes Uber die spannweite, von

J. Kleinw&chter. Luftfahrtforschung, MUnchen und Berlin, Mar. 20, 1938, v. 15, no. 3, p. 125-26. diagrs.

Twisting of thin-walled columns perfectly restrained at one end, by Lucio Lazz&rino. Washington, 1938.    (N.A.C.A. Technical

memo^anGUms•no. 854) (From L!Aerotecnica, Borna, Oct. 1937, v. 17, no. 10, p. 850-61)

Variations of shear stress in thin-walled tubes unćer torąue

(Thomfs and 0rrfs methods discussed), by D. Williams and J. Taylor. London, H.M. Stat. off., 1938.    (A.R.C. H. & M.

no. 1812) .

Resolution graphioue de quelques formules usueiles pour des abres cylinariąues droits & la torsion et h la flexion, par Ph. Tongas. Le Genie civil, Paris, Dec. 4, 1937, v. 61, no. 23, p. 478-80. diagrs.

Nuovo calcolo energetico-variazionale di ł,travi a cassoneT!

sottoposte a torsione, di Carlo Minelli. Ricerche di in-gegneria, Roma, Nov.~Dec. 1937, v. 16, no. 6, p. 155-64. diagrs,, illus.

On the torsion of conical shells, by R. V. Southwell. Proceed-ings of the Royal society of London, Nov.-Dec. 1937, series A, v. 163, p. 337-55. diagrs.

Torsional stability of cylindrical shells, by A. Zahorski. Journal of the aeronautical Sciences, New York, Dec. 1937, v. 5, no. 2, p. 62-67. bibliog., diagrs., illus., tables.

Precise formulas for unsymmetrical Vee struts under bending torsion, by E. J. Mailloux. Journal of the aeronautical Sciences,

New York, Sep. 1937, v. 4, no. 11, p. 443-47. diagrs., illus.

Formulas for torsional stress and deflection, by R.T. Hoark. Pro-duct engineering, New York, Apr. 1937, v, 8, no. 4, p. 134-37. illus.

Torsion of 17 ST. extruded angles and channels, by Loreto Lombard!. Journal of the aeronautical Sciences, New York, Apr. 1937, v. 4, no. 6, p. 260-61.

Torsione di un*ala a due longheroni laminari, eon imbrigliamenti, di Giorgio Salvadori. L*Aerotecnica, Roma, Apr. 1937, v. 17, no. 4, p. 328-32. diagrs., illus.

Le Tensioni normali nella torsione di strutture eon diaframmi rigidi., di P. Cicala. LfAerotecnica, Roma, Feb. 1937, v. 17, no. 2, p. 80-119. diagrs., illus., tables.


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