Die Durohbiegung einer exzentrisch durch eine einzellast belas-teten kreisplatte, von E. Melan. Eisenbau, Berlin, May 18, 1920, v. 11, no. 10, p. 19-92. illus.

Calculation of stresses in a rectangular piąte, by E.W. Sibert. Mechanical engineering, New York, Apr. 1920, v. 42, p. 249-50.

Solution elementaire de la plaąue rectangulaire encastree portant une charge unifcrmercent repartie ou concentree en son centre, par M. Mesn&ger. C.R. Acad. sci., Paris, Dec. 9, 1919, v. 169, no. 23, p. 1081-83.

Valeurs maxima de la tension pres de la face inferieure dfune

plaąue carree supportant une charge uniąue concentree en son centre, par M. Mesnager. C.R. Acad. sci., Paris, Feb. 24, 1919, v. 168, no. G, p. 392-95.


The Stressing of a taił boom system for fin and rućder side loads, by J. Morris. Journal of the R.A.S., London, Oct. 1938, v. 42, no. 334, p. 872-75. diagrs., tablcs.

Rela:<ation methods applied to engineering problems, by K.M.E. Bradfield and R.^. Southwell. Procee-ćings of the Royal society cf London, July 15, 1937, v. 161, ser. A, no. 905, p. 155-81. diagrs., tables.

Stress determination for three-dimensional rigid-jointeo frame-7/ork by method of systematic relaxations of constraints, by J. C. Richards. Journal of the Institution of civil engi-neerc, London, Feb. 1937, v. 5, no.4, p. 196-216. diagrs., illus., tables.

A Praetical exerc:ise on the strength of rigić-jointed frames, by J. Morris. Journal of the R.A.S., London, Jan. 1937, v. 41, p. 9-12. diagrs.

An Apcroximate method of stressing the struts of a stiff-jointed framework, by J.B.B. Owen and J. Taylor. London, H.M. Stat. off., 1937.    30 p. diagrs., illus., tables. (A.R.C, R. & M.

no. 1818) (Abstraćt Aircraft engineering, London, Sep. 1S38, p. 293)    -r* •

Moment eauations; method of analysis for continuous beams and rigid frames, by Alfred Jensen. Seattle, University of Washington, 1937.    88 p. diagrs., illus. (Engineering ex-

perimental station bulletin no. 92) (Abstract Engineering news record, New York, May 26, 1938, v. 120, no. 21, p. 753)



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