Strength of steel tubing under corabined column and transverse loading, by Tom W. Greene* Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off., 1924.    34 p. diagrs., illus.. tables. (Bureau of

standards technologie paper no. 258;

Bending stresses in curved tubes of rectangular cross-section, by S. Timoshenko. Mechanical engineering, New York, Oct. 1923, v. 45, p. 582.


Regulation$ and specifications for welded steelwork (stress distributions, design, permissible stresses), by E.P.S. Gardner. Strućtural engineer, London, Feb., Dec. 1938, n.s., v. 16, p. 62-96; 471-83. diagrs., illus., tables.

Die Spannungsverteilung in geschweissten sturnpfstbssen, von

Karl Jezek. Der Stahlbau, Berlin, July 15, 1930, v. 11, no. 14-15, p. 111-14. diagrs.

A Simple explanation of shrinkage stresses in welded joints. (origir. of residual stresses in steel and a method of demonstrating their magnitude are clearly outlined), by Bela Ronay. Welćing engineer, Chicago, Jan. 1938, v. 23, no. 1, p. 24-26. illus.

Stress formulas for typical welded joints, by C.H. Jennings. American machinist, New York, Dec. 30, 1936, v. 80, p. 1085.

Die Spannungsverteilung in einer auf biegung beanspruchten schv;eissverbinóung, von K. Jezek. Zeitschrift des Osterreichischen ingenieur-und architekten-vereines, Wien, Nov. SQ, 1934, v. 86, no. 47, 48, p. 276-78.

Beitrag zur frage der schweisspannungen, von FI. Buehler und W. Lohmann. Elektroschweissung, Berlin, Aug.-Sep. 1934, v. 5, no, 8-9, p. 141-45; 165-70..

Eigenspanmnigen in schweissn&hten, von F. Bollenrath. Stahl

und eisen, Berlin, Aug. 23, 1934, v. 54, no. 34, p. 873-78.

Spannungszustana und festigkeit von stirnkehlnshtverbindungen, von G. Bierett und G. GrUnir.g. Autogene metallbearbeitung,

Halle, Aug. 1934, v. 27, no. 16, p. 259-66. (Also Stahlbau, Berlin, Oct. 27, 1933, v. 6, no. 22, p. 69-73.)

Nos connaissances sur l1 etat des tensions dans les corcions des soudures, par D. Rosenthal. Bulletin techniąue de la Suisse Rornande, Lausanne, Switzerland, Apr. 14, May 12,

1934, v. 60, no. 8, 10,p. 87-89; 113-17.


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