S pannungsmessungen von K. Thorn. schung,I?*erlin,

an gekrUrrirfjten schub?;&nćen eines schalenrurnpf es, (In Jahrbuch 1937 der Deutschen luftfahrtfor-p. 1-459 - 1-465. diagrs., illus., tables)

Stability of structural merabers under axial loau, by Eugene E.

Lunćquist. Washington, 1937.    29 p. diagrs., tables. (N.A.C.i

Technical notes no. 617) (Abstract Journal of the R.A.S., London, Deo. 1937, v. 41, no. 324, p. 1156)

Statiealły indeterminate frameworks, by Thomas Felix Hickerson.

Chapel Hill, N. C-, University of North Carolina press; London, Oxford universlty press, 1937.    205 p. diagrs., tables.

(Review The Structural engineer, London, June 1936, p. 162; Journal of appliea mechanics, Ne>v York, Mar, 1939, p. A-16 and Civil engineering, London, Mar. 1938, p. 81)

St&tically indeterminate structures, by F. L. Plummer. Ann Arbor, I Mich., Edwards brothers, 1937.    104 p. charts, diagrs., illus.,



Strain measurements on smali duralumin box beams in bcnding, by

Paul Kuhn. Washington, 1937.    11 p. diagrs., illus.    i

(N.A.C.A. Technical notes no. 588)

Strengo theorie der knickung unć biegung, von A. Schleusner. Leipzig Berlin, B. G. Teubner, 1937.    144 p. illus. (Reyiew by 3.

Timoshenko. Journal of appliea mechanics, New York, Dec, 1938, p. A-184)

The Strength of shel.1 bodies - theoiy and practice, by H. Ebner.

Washington, 1937.    51 p. diagrs., illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical

memorandums no. 838) (Prom Luftfahrtforschung, MUnchen and Berlin, Mar. 20, 1937, v. 14, no. 3, p. 95-115) (Abstract    j

Journal of the R.A.S., London, Jan. 1936. p. 100)    

Stress analysis of beams with shear deformation of the flanges, by Paul Kuhn. Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off., 1937.    19 p.



diagrs., illus., tables. (N.A.C.A.'Report no. 608)

Stress analysis of a pressure cabin, by George D. Bogert. (In

Pressure cabin investigations. Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off., 1937.    12 p. diagrs., tables. (Air corps Information

circular no. 710)

Structural engineering problems, by Davia Albert Molitor. Washington, D. A. Molitor, 1957.    155 p. diagrs., tables.

par Maurice Bricas.

La Theorie de l^el&sticite bidiraensionnelle, Athens, 1937.    382 p. diagrs.

Theory for primary failure of straight centrally loaded columns, by Eugene E. Lundquist and Claaae M. Fligg. Washington, IJ. S.

Govt. print. off., 1957.    (N.A.C.A. Report no. 582, p. 141-87)    1

(Abstracts Aircraft engineering, London. July 1957, p. 198 and LfAerotecnica, Roma, Dec. 1937, p. 1081)    i


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