Miss Hall, Higley exchange promises

TU IN FAtJ.S — ftoscannc Best man*aiErcrcU Clark, Hall .ind Claynr Hlgfcy *crc    Burtcy Randy Hall was usher.

raarrkd Sept. 20 at the hnmc ol Marta and Inrl lloll. ftslcr* »hcr granćpjarnt*. Mr. and of the Uióe. *vn* In charge of

. JAmM Kcnobon^KosoUifca r-^^oK.nndidfl5._


The t»r1dc b the daughicr of Mr. tand Mr* Vcn*m łlaJ.

Tv.lfl Fali*, and the liridrgrmn'* pa rent* urt Mr. and Mr*. Gol den lliglcy.


Bbhop lA-łtiT Stapleman perforrord the oufdąor ęcrcinoóy In o tetting ol sunlloueri. caltnlla and gjad^oli In shades ol orunge uith the Snake Ithrcr In Ihc bacfcgrouud

The Móc. cx«Ud liy licr fjtbcr. »wr a gnwn ofnntkjuc lvory po3ye*lcT knlt In prlncc** alylc. The high nccklloc *as occcolcd ulth a lace yoke Insert matchtng her ftaper-tłpiengih vell. The iklrt otf the noor lcogth flM* wa* appiuiucd u Uh lace Ho* er*, tcąulru and pearts. The dres* was designed and madę i»y the lirtdesmother.

I ler vetl was hcld b>* a pUltm decor.itcd *1th *equlna and pcarl*. Shc conlrd a lwuąuet ol whlle chrysaiithcmum* and orange roschud* on a utillc Bibie, a g.M to the couple from ihelr grandparenta. She corrłcd a handkcrehlef Ihat betonged to her mntcrnal great*grandmolher. Shc a brooch that lictongcd lo her palemalgrcat-grandnwjlher. -Kalhryn IIHtcnluctc. abler ol ihe Irłdc. wa* mairun ol

Annual fali roundup

PIANIST Dite Girriłon. Buhl. mUd. vocal sclolsi Ryvona Stephena ind fuiunst Jłm Wallu. both Twin Ftlls. dUcusi plena for Makie VaJlcy Country Masie Auoclalton's innual Fali Roundup Monday ind TUoday at the College of Southern Idaho The program beglns at • pm eoch owr>g In the Flar Arta Center. Proceeds wtll be donated to Ihc Senior CMUen Center. TlckeU are avalloble from aiaoclatlon rnembm. at teteral Magie Valley buslraw* and at the door.

Suntfay. Ocfolwr «. 1*74 Timoo-Nows. TwioF^ł. Wotw jj

Magie Valley Favorites

------Wook s Rocipo Winno/------

MRS. JEAN ETCHETO 1560 Princeton Dr.. Twio Polis

SQUASH Sl/PREME ffclft. dwppcti p»jrut> and 2U» htlfajMpaMh    mrlKtl Imllcf IWh.dMthc

I cup Miur cream « .    . muIIUię Jn-a

I tpirch^^riPirnvnłM i|u.irt l^klng dish M "Ów

i cup ctirtppfti pr jmii v-iTfiTfamrwwrrmm Tnrtiurc

2taUcspmunRralrdot» wn    mer Ihc Anilin* T««p**7» the

2ura(«JcarrW\    mmihuiiKMullim    ,

I can crvj m of rhicfcm ^««p    llukr at T7j dccar% ke •*!

• • puund im'llr«! iMirr .. mmutr> Scr\rs*tn* n m (KKkacc hrrh M-;i**A-d    T>* Tlmcs-Nw will pay C

*“(***    _ ^    . «*ch wtfk (or Mag* VaBc)

<2»*5 *nM*M«*\ W*»l Fovorl(es. If yo# kitę a undflulcd mhj|> and tuir favor1i* recipe# j* ^ U u

2JŁ *,n £**!!!* lhe R«clpt Department

mi.xtuiv. Tosx tfl*fhrr Mul-    Pa** FAtor


MYsludcnls part of casf

POCATKI.LO - Thrco Magle VaUcy studmU aro In Ihc cwl lor the Idaho Stale Unlrcralty Thcatre** production of "HtnleC set InrOct 3>laNov. 2.

They Includc Hory Seanloa Goodrg. who *ill portray lloratlo. a frlend lo Hamlet; Ktrk lUrrney. F»cr. Roocn-erantt. a Jellow student of Hamleta and Chrb Showrr*. Filer. *t» playi the doctor of dlrlnfty

plam jone/

Covcr G«>    jn c*o.i a men*, oo io r*c ob-n Janc oump *<n jn

cmłoooid voe n«ai • tamci tre onaoie tor fo* \nou> tJtciPC*

fcfr*.-. m tani +*1MKUir* co*o*i



TWIN FAIXS- Country Muce performance. 8 p.m . CSI audllorium.

OCTO BER 8-12 National 441 week.


TWIN PAtLS - Kart Buli »f»eak3 at a pulitlc rally at Sp.m at T*1n FalU IdchSchool OCTOBER*

TWIN FAUS - AAUW mln^course. FamUy Health Scrvices. 7 p.m Rooca IIS. Shlelds Bulldang. CSI.

__________OCTOBER 8-11____________

TWIN FALLS — Pacific northnesl regKm of the American Soclety of AgrkuUural Eogfnccrs annual mcclmg. B!uc I^akc* Inn OCTOBER 12

TWIN FALLS - Fali Rotary Oub dimce. Moosellall.


BonkCords &

Charge Accounłs Wolcomo

Opon Frlday Night 'tli 9 pm


KII Corton

Ali th# rerrone# ond 1lovor of lh# Old Wotl . . ..o plonoor In m#n‘t tlocks . . you conl offord 10 pot* it up. $13.00.

In Lynwood Shopplng Center

Bankcards Welcome.


Th# tu#d# irlm oW#« Ihlt modol o ip#doi dlitbic-flon . . . you conT mbi. ond lt'a yourt for lh# oiklng. $60.00.

Cruise the Fun Ship/ the tss MARDIGRAS

Ship Of fers the

the fun ship tss

7-Day Caribbean Cruises Departing Every Saturday

from Miami to

San Juan, St. Thomas and Nassau

$325* to $695

• plti* port intf* im Mordi Croa - i

Kun Ship - w rcpiirfrfcł in Ponoma.

The tss Mardi Gras, the biggest ship out of Miami offers the best Family Plan Value in the Industry!




Round trlp airfaro, all meals Ón board ship,T>varhfgHt”hotel In Miami and seveń day cruise.

FOR FREE BROCHURE Writo or Cali...

Children under 16 sharing a cabin with two fuli farę paying adults only $95. Auailable year round.

1605 Addison Ave. E.

Twin Falls



/ i


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