UP MS General Medicine major - subjects of the Pr - Course escriptions -, of2015/2016

UP MS General Medicine major - subjects of the Pr - Course escriptions -, of2015/2016

5 credit ■ semester exam ■ Pre-clinical module • autumn semester • recommended semester: 5

Number of hours/semester:

Course headcoun1 limilalions (min.-max.): Prerequisiles:

42 lectures ♦ 28 practices + 0 seminars = total of 70 hours 1-200

OAA-BK2 completed + OAA-IMM completed + OAP-PA1 parallel


During introduction the subject and history of medical microbiology and its place in medicine is discussed. The morphology. physiology and genelics of microbes. as well as the methods of disinfection and the theoielical aspects of antimicrobial therapy are the subjects of lectures on generał microbiology. The host-parasite intcractions involved in the pathogenesis of various infections. as well as the mechanisms of host defense. the possibilities of immunoprophyla\is. the pathways of allergies. tolerance. autoimmunity, tlie basics of neuroimmunology and tlie immunology of pregnancy will be described. The first semester also includes the course on systematic yirology dcaling with infections of viral and priori etiology in details.

The objective the first semester is to provide solid knowledge and view to students preparing them to understand the the subsequent systematic bacteriology. mycology. parasitology and clinical microbiology courses as well as clinical subjects relating to infections. Conditions for accepiance of the semester

The Department insists on the active participation in all the practices, sińce necessary knowledge and skills to takc and liandle microbiological sainples can only be mastered tliere. In order to have the grade book signed, the student inissing any practicals is expected to make arrangements with groups other tlian his/lier own to cover the subject of that particular practical.

Mid-term exams

Making up for missed classes

The student missing any practices is expected to make arrangements with groups other than his/her own to cover the subject of that particular practical.

Reading materiaI

Obligatory literaturę

Dr. Patrick R. Murray. Dr. Ken S. Rosenthal. and Dr. Michael A. Pfaller (eds.): Medical Microbiology, 7Ul edition. Elsevier Saunders 2012 ISBN: 978-0-323-08692-9

Literaturę developed by the Department Lectures on the CooSpace

Recommended literaturę

David Greenwood, Ricliard Slack. Michael Barer. Will Ining (eds.): Medical Microbiology. Elsevier Churchill Liyingstone. 2012. ISBN: 978-0-7020-4089-4

Brooks GF. Bulel JS, Morse SA: Jawetz, Melnick. and Adelberg's: Medical Microbiology. 25lh edition. Lange Medical Book. 2010, ISBN:978-0-07-162496-l

F.H. Kayser, K.A. Bienz, J. Eckert, R.M. Zinkemagel: Medical Microbiology, Thierne Stuttgart 2005, ISBN: 3-13-131991-7 A.K. Abbas. A.H. Lichtman. S. Pillai: Cellularand Molccular Immunology. 7lh edition, Elseyier Saunders. 2012, ISBN 978-1-43777-1528-6

Galdwinn M. Trattler W.: Clinical Microbiology Madę Ridiculously Simple, 5,h edition. MedMaster Inc. 2011, ISBN: 978-1935660033

Lectures 1 Introduction: the subject and histoiy of microbiology. taxonomy

Dr. Barthóne Dr. Szekcres Julia 2 Essential celi components

Dr. Emódy Levente

3    Accessorial celi components.

Dr. Emódy Leyente

4    Tlie physiology of bacteria. Nutrition types and growth of bacteria Dr. Kocsis Bćla

5    Microbial genelics I Dr. Tigyi Zoltan

6    Microbial genelics II Dr. Tigyi Zoltan


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UP MS General Medicine major - subjects nf Ihe Pre-clinic ule - Cours, lic yearof2015/2016 13
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