UP MS General Medicine major - suhjects of the Pre-clinical module - Course descnpmms - m odemie year of2015/2016
UP MS General Medicine major - suhjects of the Pre-clinical module - Course descnpmms - m odemie year of2015/2016
Course director: |
Dr. Istyan WITTMANN. professor 2"11 Department of Intemal Medicine |
4 credit ■ semester exam ■ Pre-clinical module • autumn semester • recommended semester: 5
Number of hours/semesier: 28 lectures ♦ 28 practices + 0 seminars = total of 56 hours
Course headcount limilalions (min.-max.): 5 -100
Prereąuisites: OAR-APG completed + OAP-PA1 parallel + OAR-HUF-O completed
Introducing into intcrnal medicine is the first step toward clinical practice. The main aim of tliis topie to develop skills in history taking and physical examinations.
Condilions for acceplance of the semester Maximum of 25 % abscncc allowed Mid-term exams Making up for missed classes
The maximum pennitted number of absences is 2 lectures and 3 practices. Each further missed practice has to be madę up for during the semester period.
Reading materiaI
- Obiigatory literaturę
- Literaturę developed by tlie Department
Recommended literaturę
Bickley L. S.: Bates's Guide to Physical Examination and Histoiy Taking. 9,h edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2007. Lectures
I Introducłion. Intervievving and Ute case histoiy1 taking. Techniques of questioning. Medical inten iew in special situations. Symptoms and approaches to them.
Dr. Wittmann Istvan
3 The principles and techniques of physical examination. Recording information of inteniews and physical examination.
Dr. Wittmann Istvan
5 Histoiy taking in chest and lung diseases.
Dr. Wittmann Istvan
7 Physical examination of the chest and lung. The related abnormalities.
Dr. Wittmann Istvan
9 Introduction to cardiology. Case histoiy' taking of the caidiovascular system. Epidemiology of caidiovascular diseases. Risk factor assessment for cardiovascular diseases.
Dr. Wittmann lstvan
II Physical examination of the cardiovascular system. Blood pressure measurement, o of peripheral vessels.
Dr. Wittmann lstvan
13 Histoiy taking in abdominal diseases. Physical examination of the abdoincn. Rectal digital examinatioa The related abnormalities.
Dr. Wittmann Istvan
15 Diagnosis of common abdominal syndromes. Examination of the liver, spleen and the bile duet system.
Dr. Wittmann Istvan
17 Histoiy taking and phy sical exainination in common haematological syndromes. Blood smear taking and examination.
Dr. Wittmann Istvan
19 Diagnosis of endocrine diseases. diabetes mellitus and metabolic disoiders.
Dr. Wittmann Istvan
21 Histoiy taking in renal diseases. Examination of the kidney and genitalia.
Dr. Wittmann Istvan
23 Estimation of renal function. Urine exaininations. Renal biopsy.
Dr. Wittmann Istvan
25 Histoiy taking and physical exainination in angiological diseases.
Dr. Wittmann Istvan
27 Immunological diseases. Complaints and clinical signs.
Dr. Wittmann Istvan