UP MS General Medianę major - suhjerts (filie Pre-clinical module - Course descriptions -,wadem lic yearof2015/2016
11 |
Histaminę and antihistaininic drugs Dr. Barthó Lorand | |
12 |
Pharmacology of eicosanoids Dr. Pethó Gabor | |
13 |
Pharmacological significance of tire sensory' neuron mediators Santicsne Dr. Pintćr Erika | |
14 |
Pharmacological aspects of the purinergic system and nit Santicsne Dr. Pintćr Erika |
neonie |
Practices | ||
Seminars | ||
1 |
Introduction to pharmacology | |
2 |
Drug names. drug compendia. prescription writing | |
3 |
Basic mechanisms of drug actions | |
4 |
Characterization of agonist-receptor interaction I | |
5 |
Characterization of agonist-receptor interaction II | |
6 |
Characterization of agonist-receptor interaction III | |
7 |
Signal transduction mechanisms of dnig receptors | |
8 |
Tachyphylaxis and tolerance to drugs | |
9 |
Mechanisms of drug antagonisms I | |
10 |
Mechanisms of dnig antagonisms II | |
11 |
Transport of dmgs across membranes | |
12 |
Absorption of dmgs | |
13 |
Distribution of dmgs I | |
14 |
Distribution of dmgs II | |
15 |
Biotransfonnation of dmgs I | |
16 |
Biotransfonnation of dmgs II | |
17 |
Biotransfonnation of dmgs III | |
18 |
Excretion of dmgs | |
19 |
Quantitative aspects of pharmacokinetics I | |
20 |
Quantitative aspects of phannacokinetics II | |
21 |
Dmg development I | |
22 |
Dmg development II | |
23 |
Dmg formulations I | |
24 |
Dmg fonnulations II | |
25 |
Dmgs acting on smooth muscle I | |
26 |
Dmgs acting on smooth muscle 11 | |
27 |
Dmgs acting on the respiratory traci I | |
28 |
Dmgs acting on the respiratory' tract II | |
Exam topics/questions |
1. Definition of pharmacology and tlie relaied subjecls. Drug developmenl
2. Dnig names. drug compendia. Prescription wriling
3. Drug fonnulations
4. Basic mechanisms of drug actions (examples of drug effects on receptois. ion channels, enzymes, carrier Systems and effects mediated
by physicochemical interactions)
5. Characterisation of agonist-receplor interaction: occupancy. affinity, dose-response curve, potency, efficacy
6. Significance of signal transduction mechanisms in the effects of dmgs. Tachyphylaxis and tolerance to dmgs
7. Mechanisms of drug antagonisms
8. Transport of drugs across membranes
9. Absorption of dmgs, orał bioavailability and presystemic elimination
10. Plasma protein binding and tissue distribution of drugs
11. Biotransfonnation of drugs
12. Excretion of drugs
13. Pharmacokinetics: zero and first order elimination. volume of distribution. clcarance. elimination half-life, orał bioavailability. calculation of loading and maintenance doses
14. Cholinergic agonists and cholinesterase inliibitors
15. Muscarinic receptor antagonists
16. Neuromuscular blocking agents. Drugs acting on autonomie ganglia