UP MS General Medianę major - suhjerts uf llie Pre-clinical nmilule - Cottrse descriptions - gradem lic yearof2015/2016
12 Psychooncology Dr. Kallai Janos
13 Death. dying, grief Dr. Kallai Janos
14 Health of the healer. Risks and prevention Dr. Varga József
1 Approaches of persona lity. Process and disorders of socialisation. Mental liealth.
2 Approaches of personality. Process and disorders of socialisation. Mental health.
3 Affective and cognitive functions of personality. Stress. frustration and tlieir impact. Adjustment.
4 Affective and cognitive functions of personality. Stress, frustration and their impact. Adjustment.
5 Disorders of communication. Intervie\v. supportive techniques. empathy.
6 Disorders of communication. Intervie\v. suppottive techniques. empathy.
7 Doctor-patient communication. first encounter. history taking.
8 Doctor-patient communication, first encounter. history taking.
9 Anxiety, its sources and symptoms. Psychological factors in somatic illness. psychosomatic diseases.
10 Arociety, its sources and symptoms. Psychological factors in somatic illness. psychosomatic diseases.
11 Psychological reactions to illness. Dynamics, management. Cognitive and supportive techniques of beliavioral change
12 Psychological reactions to illness. Dynamics, management. Cognitive and supportive techniques of behavioral cliangc
13 Psycliological aspects of fatal illness. grief. pathological grief reactions.
14 Psychological aspects of fatal illness, grief. pathological grief reactions.
Exam topics/questions Parts of the finał exam:
A) Written test: it is consisted of 60 test questions.
B) Orał exam: problem based complex case study analysis. A palienf s case history is presented as a question. The student should to explain the possible bio-psycho-social context of the case history and demonstrate the possible altematives of llie management of the given probleins.
Grade construction:
The finał grade is the average of the grades of written and orał exam parts.
Further details about the exam can be found at the hotnepage of the Institute of Behayioural Sciences.
Orał exam questions are related to the case studies. Theoretical issues/questions: accotding to the titles of lectures and practices Participants
Dr. Tiringer Istvan (T1IHAAE.PTE). Dr. Varga József (YAJGABO.PTE)