lic yearof2015/2016

UP MS General Medianę major - subjects uf llie Pre-clinical module - Com \e deu ripiwni - academ Praciices

1    Introduction. History laking. Techniques of ąuestioning.

2    Introduction. History taking. Techniąues of ąuestioning.

3    The principles and techniąues of physical examination. The medical record.

4    The principles and techniąues of physical examination. Tire medical record.

5    Vital signs. Examination of skin. Examination of the head and neck.

6    Yital signs. Examination of skin. Examination of the head and neck.

7    Pulmonaiy history taking.

8    Pulmonaty history taking.

9    Physical examination of the chest and lung.

10    Physical examination of the chest and lung.

11    Cardiovascular history taking. Epidemiology and risk factor asscssmcnt in cardiovascular discascs.

12    Cardiovascular history taking. Epidemiology attd risk factor assessment in cardiovascular diseases.

13    Physical examination of the cardiovascular system. Blood prcssurc measurement.

14    Physical examination of the cardiovascular sy stem. Blood pressure measurement.

15    History' taking in angiology. Peripheral ariety disease. Deep vein thrombosis. Examination of the peripheral vessels.

16    History' taking in angiology. Peripheral ariety disease. Deep vein thrombosis. Examination of the peripheral vessels.

17    Gastrointestinal history taking.

18    Gastrointestinal history' taking.

19    Physical examination of the abdomen. Examination of the liver. spleen and tire bileduct system. Rectal digital exarnination.

20    Physical examination of the abdomen, Examination of the liver. spleen and the bileduct system, Rectal digital examination.

21    Haematological history' taking. Physical examination in hematological diseases. Bloodstnear taking and exantination.

22    Haematological history' taking. Phy sical eto in hematological diseases. Bloodsmear taking and examination.

23    History' taking and physical examination in endocrine diseases. Leading symptoms of diabetes.

24    History' taking and physical examination in endocrine diseases. Leading symptoms of diabetes.

25    History' taking and physical examination in kidney diseases. Urinanalysis.

26    History taking and physical examination in kidney diseases. Urinanalysis.

27    History' taking in immunological and rheumatological diseases. Examination of the muscles and joints.

28    History' taking in immunological and rheumatological diseases. Examination of the muscles and joints.


Exam topics/ąuestions

The exam is at the bedside and focus on the skill of student about history' taking and physical examinations.


Dr. Beko Viktória (OKBFAA.A.JPTE). Dr. Csiky Botond (CSBMAAO.PTE). Dr. Kovacs Tibor József (KOTMABO.PTE). Dr. Laczy Boglarka (LABFAAO.PTE). Dr. Matę Judit (MAJFADO.PTE). Dr. Molnar Gergó Attila (MOGFABO.PTE). Dr. Sagi Balazs (SABFAAO.PTE). Dr. Sebók Judit (SEJFAAO.PTE)


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