170    Amol Shivajirao Hukkerikar, Bent Sarup, Antoon Ten Kate, Jens Abildskov, Giirkan Sin, Rafiąul Gani, 2012, "Group-contribution+ (GC+) based estimation of properties of pure components: Improved property estimation and uncertainty analysis”, Fluid Phase Eąuilibria, 321, 25-43

171    Zhihong Yuan, Bingzhen Chen, Giirkan Sin, Rafiąul Gani, 2012, ” State-of-the-art and progress in the optimization based simultaneous design and control for Chemical processes", AIChE J, 58(6), 1640-1659

172    Brock C. Roughton, Brianna Christian, John White, Kyle V. Camarda, and Rafiąul Gani, 2012, “Simultaneous design of ionic liąuids and energy efficient azeotropic separation processes”, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 42, 248-262

173    Martina Heitzig, Yunhong Rong, Christopher Gregson, GUrkan Sin, Rafiąul Gani, 2012, “Systematic Multi-scale Model Development Strategy for Fragrance Spraying Process and Transport", Chemical Engineering & Technology, 35(8), 1381-1391

174    Albert E. Cervere-Radrell, Tommy Skovby, Spren Kiil, Rafiąul Gani, Krist V. Gemaey, 2012, “Active pharmaceutical ingrcdient (API) production involving continous processes - A PSE-assisted design framework”, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 82(2), 437-456

175    Naweed Al-Haque, Paloma A. Santacoloma, Watson Neto, Par Tufvesson, Rafiąul Gani and John M. Woodley, 2012, “A robust methodology for kinetic model parameter estimation for biocatalytic reactions", Biotechnology Progress, 28(5), 1186-1196

176    Zhihong Yuan, Bingzhen Chen, Rafiąul Gani, 2013. “Applications of process synthesis: Moving from conventional Chemical processes towards biorefinery processes", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 49, 217-229

177    Amol Hukkerikar, Sawitree Kalakul, Bent Sarup, Douglas M. Young, Giirkan Sin, Rafiąul Gani, 2012, "Estimation of environment-related properties of Chemicals for design of sustainable processes: Development of group-contribution* (GC+) models and uncertainty analysis", Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 52(11), 2823-2839

178    Ana Carvalho, Henriąue A. Matos, Rafiąul Gani, 2013, “SustainPro - A tool for systematic process analysis, generation and evaluation of sustainable design altematives". Computers & Chemical Engineering, 50, 8-27

179    Roberta Ceriani, Rafiąul Gani, Y. A. Liu, 2013, “Prediction of vapor pressure and heats of vaporization of organie compounds by group contribution". Fluid Phase Eąuilibria, 337,53-59

180    Vladimir Diky, Robert Dennis Chirico, Chris Muzny, Andrei Kazakov, Kenneth Kroenlein, Joseph W. Magee, Ilmutdin Abdulagatov, Jeong Won Kang, Rafiąul Gani, and Michael Frenkel, 2013, “ThermoData Engine (TDE): Software implementation of the dynamie data evaluation concept. 8. Properties of materiał streams and solvent design”, Journal of Chemical Information and Modelling, 53, 249-266

181    Giirkan Sin, Rafiąul Gani, Kim Dam-Johansen, 2013, "Denmark’s Chemicals Industry: Progress and Challenges", Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP: February 2013), 54-59

182    Noor Asma Fazli Bin Abdul Samad, Giirkan Sin, Krist V Gernaey, Rafiąul Gani, 2013, “A systematic framework for design of process monitoring and control (PAT) systems for crystallization processes”, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 54, 8-23

183    Alberto Quaglia, Bent Sarup, Giirkan Sin, Rafiąul Gani, 2013, “A systematic framework for enterprise-wide optimization: synthesis and design of processing network under uncertainty”, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 59, 47-62

184    Larissa P. Cunico, Amol S. Hukkerikar, Roberta Ceriani, Rafiąul Gani, 2013, “Molecular Structure Based Physical Properties Modeling: A Review”, Fluid Phase Eąuilibria, 357, 2-18

185    Philip Lutze, Deenesh K. Babi, John M. Woodley, Rafiąul Gani. 2013. “A phenomena based Methodology for Process Synthesis incorporating Process Intensification". Industrial &



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