Maddala G. S., Introduction to econometrics, Wiley, Chichester 2001.

Ramanathan R., Introductory econometrics with applications, South-Western, Mason 2002.

Grading: Written report discussed with the lecturer, orał presentation, class participation

Evaluation of lnvestment Project

ECTS Poinls







Lectures: 15




Lecture Teacher: Krzysztof Szczepaniak, PhD E-mail: krzysztof.szczepaniak@ug.edu.pl

Content/ Course Description:

Types, phases and stages of investment: Definition and classification of investment projects, Main stages of formulation of an investment project, General steps in the analysis of investment project

2.    Parameters in the basie financial and economic analysis of investment: Enumeration, Characterization, Main expenditures and cost of investment

3.    Time value of money: Present Value - PV, Futurę Value - FV, Compound interest, Discounting ratę

4.    Main elements of investment project feasibility study

5.    Investment project life cycle

6.    Financial analysis and investment appraisal: Free Cash Flowfor Firm, Free Cash Flow to Equity, Criteria for evaluation and selection of investment projects, Assessment at current prices and constant prices

7.    Project financing: Structure of Capital, Cost of Capital, Weighted Average Cost of Capital - discount ratę


1.    Aswath Damodaran, The Dark Side of Valuation, 2nd ed., 2010

2.    W. Behrens, P.M. Hawranek, Manuał for the Preparation of Industrial. Feasibility Studies, UNIDO Publication, 1991

3.    E. F. Brigham and M. C. Ehrhardt, Financial Management: Theory and Practice, 2004

4.    R. Brealey, S. Myers, F. Allen, Principles of Corporate Finance, 1997

5.    Press articles


Class participation / homework - case studies


Financial Planning and Analysis

W inter semester 2015/2016


mgr Beata Kotowska

Course form

ECTS credits: 4

• Workshops


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