156 Piotr Włodarczak

Fig. 4. Kolosy, county Kazimierza Wielka. Radiocarbon Dating of the graves 2 and 3. Plots madę using Ox-
Cal v.3.10 Computer programme (Bronk Ramsey 1995; 2001)
Ry . 4. Kolosy, pow. Kazimierza Wielka. Datowanie radiowęglowe grobów 2 i 3. Diagramy wykonane za
pomocą programu OxCal v.3.10 (Bronk Ramsey 1995; 2001)
destructive modern digs, the poor State of preservation of the embankment, and the dis-turbance caused by the collapsing roof in the side niche of Grave 4. Radiocarbon measure-ments have dated Graves 2 and 3 to the classical period of FBC development (Fig. 4), which contradicts Kempisty (1970; 1978), who linked the features to the CWC. Reassess-ment of the materiał seems, therefore, called for. It should be stressed that there are no
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152 Piotr Włodarczak Fig. 1. Kolosy, county Kazimierza Wielka. Sketch of graves discovered under the155 Absolute chronology of the tumulus in Kolosy Fig. 3. Kolosy, county Kazimierza Wielka. Tumulus 110th edition of Prof. Bronisław Geremek Lectures Piotr Arak “The balance of the costs and benefits oBelgium 8 Fig. 1 oriented NE/SW in the east of the country and in a raore recent covering, discessent?rving?47 S T Y L I /. I N C the Figurę Fig 13.18 Right side showing deoelopment of the fonns,24 JACEK LECH Fig. 27. Sąspów, Cracow dist. Cross section of shaft No 1 and portion of Shaft No 2 a32 JACEK LECH Fig. 45. Polany Kolonie, Radom dist. Fragment of the mining field after removal of soiP1130040 Fig. 1.84: Transrectal image of the eye and braincase of a fetus on Day 151 of gestation. Iimage063 Fig. 47. Trzebiatów. A plan of the town and its surroundings. A - the cult place on David HPlan Gospodarki Odpadami dla Powiatu Kazimierskiego na lata 2008 - 2011 Kraków - Kazimierza Wielka -SPRAWOZDANIA ARCHEOLOGICZNE 60,2008 PL ISSN 0081-3834 Piotr Włodarczak (Kraków)ABSOLUTE CHRONOLOGY O160 Piotr Włodarczak the loess areas in western Małopolska. A series of radiocarbon measurements fro162 Piotr Włodarczak Smid M. 2003. Mohyloua pohrebiśte kultury naleukouitych poharu na Morauć. Prave164 Piotr Włodarczak Wypełnisko jamy grobowej stanowiła ziemia analogiczna do materiału tworzącego n166 Piotr Włodarczak topora kamiennego z grobem 3). Zestaw złożony z amfory, puchara, siekiery i top168 Piotr Włodarczak o średnicy 20-40 metrów (Fischer 1956, 195; Preufi 1966). Najbliższe od Małopol154 Piotr Włodarczak occurred only once, as proven by the undisturbed arrangement of fragmenta human158 Piotr Włodarczak central part of the embankment (which was much eroded at the beginning of the ewięcej podobnych podstron