OF tle REPUBLlC of poland BOMB A Y
Central Bank Building, Fo^t, BOMBAY, 17th Maroh 1933.
Nr. 152/33.
I, tlie undersigned, Eugene Banasinski, Consul for Poland in India, do hereby authorise Mr. R. M# Pochkhannwala, B. Córa., Secretary: the Consulate of tho Republic of Poland in Bombay, to receive, ucknowledge and forwerd all telegram?, letters, correspondenoe, covers, parcela, etc. registored or unrogistored, durinp my aosence from Office at the Consulate and to carry on all affairs pf this Consulate in the ordinary oourse of business.
I fnrthar deolare that all acts done by the sald Mr. R. :■Pochkhana.vcla y/ithin the limits Drescribei 8bove, sholl be deemed to. be the aets of the Consulate and that in the rightful e.x.eout3on of the duties inoosed upon him, he sliall rermin protected by the Consulate at its cost and exnense for any uetion, civil or crimir.al, brought arainst h im.
SEAL of the Consulate of
Poland in Bombay. Sd/- E. Banasinski,
Consul for Poland, Bombay,
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